Focus on catching up and surpassing, strengthen responsibility and strive to push the construction of a strong pharmaceutical group in the west to a new stage
Release time: 2017-03-01     Source: Anonymous

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    Morning of February 28th,Shaanxi stake online sports bettingstake sports betting appPharmaceutical Group held the system-wide 2017 work conference and the third employee congress of the second session。The main task of the meeting is to summarize the work in 2016,Arrange key tasks for 2017;Report on the system-wide 2016 financial budget implementation and 2017 financial budget arrangements and trade union work;Sign various responsibility letters;Recognize all kinds of excellence;Final review and approval of the group work report、2016 Budget Implementation and 2017 Financial Budget Arrangements and Trade Union Work Report。陕药集团Zhai Riqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board, presided over the meeting,Group Leader、Members of the Supervisory Board、Owner belongs to the enterprise party、Political、Workers in charge and leaders in charge of safety,Employee Representative,More than 100 people including representatives of various advanced units who were commended attended the meeting。

Li Xiqin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager, made a work report

    Meeting,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee、General Manager Li Xiqin made a work report on behalf of the group company entitled "Focus on catching up and surpassing, strengthening responsibility, and striving to push the construction of a strong pharmaceutical group in the west to a stake online sports bettingstake sports betting appnew stage"。General Manager Li Xiqin pointed out,Implemented in 2016&ldquo;Thirteenth Five-Year Plan&rdquo;The first year of planning,Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group faces complex economic situation and arduous reform tasks,Resolutely implement the provincial party committee、Decision-making and deployment of the provincial government and the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission,Adhere to steady growth、Adjust structure、Promote development,Insist on party building,Forge ahead,Fight hard,Exceeded the annual targets and tasks,Achieved&ldquo;Thirteenth Five-Year Plan&rdquo;Sound start、Good start。2016,Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group achieved operating income of 160.4.3 billion yuan,13 year-on-year increase.24%;Total profit realized 4.4.2 billion yuan,YoY growth 2.55%;Full-year fixed asset investment 7.7.8 billion yuan,38% year-on-year increase。The full-year goals were exceeded。General Manager Li Xiqin emphasized,Implemented in 2017&ldquo;Thirteenth Five-Year Plan&rdquo;An important year for planning,It is also the year to comprehensively promote the deepening of the reform of state-owned enterprises,We must fully implement the Provincial Party Committee、Decision-making and deployment of the provincial government and the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission,Adhere to the general tone of pursuing progress while maintaining stability,Focus on deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises,Focus on improving the quality and efficiency of development,Taking pursuit and transcendence as motivation,Continuously enhance the development vitality of the whole system and its influence on the development of the pharmaceutical industry in the province、Driving force,Ensure completion of full-year goals and tasks。Welcoming the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 13th Provincial Party Congress with outstanding results。

Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee、Chief Accountant Hui Shumin makes annual economic operation and budget indicator arrangement

    Member stake betting appof the Standing Committee of the Party Committee、Chief Accountant Hui Shumin reported on the economic performance of the entire system in 2016 and the 2017 operating budget stake betting apparrangement;Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee、Trade union chairman Li Jun reported on the work of the trade union。

Li Jun, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Trade Union, gave a report on the work of the trade union

    Meeting,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee、General Manager Li Xiqin signed the 2017 business target responsibility letter with each affiliated company on behalf of the group company。Member stake betting appof the Standing Committee of the Party Committee、Deputy General Manager Qi Wanjiang signed the 2017 Safety Production Responsibility Letter with all ownership units on behalf of the group company。

Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee、General Manager Li Xiqin signed a 2017 business target responsibility letter with the ownership unit

Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee、Deputy General Manager Qi Wanjiang signed the 2017 Safety Production Responsibility Letter with the ownership unit

    Member stake betting appof the Standing Committee of the Party Committee、Director Li Yiling read out the decision to commend the advanced units and individuals in production safety in 2016;Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee、Deputy General Manager Tang Shifeng read out the decision to commend the system’s advanced collectives and advanced workers in 2016;Chief Pharmacist Shan Zhifeng read out the commendation system for 2016 &ldquo;Ankang Cup&rdquo;Advanced labor competition collective、Advanced individuals with reasonable suggestions、Technological innovation expert、Friends of Excellent Trade Unions、The decision of outstanding union workers。The group leaders presented awards to the advanced units and individuals who received the above honors。

Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee、Director Li Yiling read out the decision of the commendation system for advanced units and advanced individuals in production safety in 2016

Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee、Deputy General Manager Tang Shifeng read out the decision to commend the system’s 2016 advanced collectives and advanced workers

Chief pharmacist Shan Zhifeng read out the commendation system 2016 &ldquo;Ankang Cup&rdquo;Advanced labor competition collective、Advanced individuals with reasonable suggestions、Technological innovation expert、Friends of Excellent Trade Unions、The decision of outstanding union workers

Advanced unit of production safety in 2016

Advanced Individual in Production Safety in 2016

2016 Advanced Collective

2016&ldquo;Ankang Cup&rdquo;Advanced labor competition collective

    Member stake betting appof the Standing Committee of the Party Committee、Li Jun, chairman of the labor union, proposed the 2017 work report of the group company to the Workers’ Congress、The 2016 budget implementation, the 2017 financial budget arrangement and the labor union work report were reviewed and resolved,Accepted unanimously。

    final,Party Secretary、Chairman Zhai Riqiang gave a concluding speech,stake online sports bettingstake sports betting appRequire each unit of the system、All departments of the agency must first deeply understand the essence of the spirit of the report,Focus on improving quality and efficiency、Chasing and surpassing、Innovative Development、Team building、Risk control, etc.,Close contact with actual work,Find the right problem、See the gap,Put the spirit of the meeting into various specific tasks。The second is to actively adapt、Grasp the new normal of economic development,Accelerate the rational flow and optimal allocation of state-owned assets,Promote the structural adjustment of the state-owned economy,Enhance overall functionality and efficiency。Use the advantages and resources of each enterprise to stay together、With dots and lines,Continuously expand the space for economic development。We must ensure that the requirements for steady growth and development are reflected in our mental state,Implement it into measurement standards,Implement it into various tasks,To ensure better quality,More sustainable growth,In order to better adapt to the development of enterprises under the new normal。The third is to enhance the sense of responsibility and execution ability,We must unify our thoughts,Strong confidence in work,Implementing responsibilities,Work hard,Let the work be implemented,Ensure that all work arrangements of the group are implemented。Mobilize the whole system to be guided by the spirit of this meeting,In the Provincial Party Committee、Under the strong leadership of the provincial government and the strong supervision of the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission,Adhere to stability and make progress、Seeking progress while maintaining stability,Do a solid job in all tasks in 2017,With the momentum of catching up and surpassing,Ensure that the annual goals and tasks are exceeded,Making positive contributions to building a strong pharmaceutical group in western China。

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