Shaanxi stake online sports bettingPharmaceutical Group ranks stake online sports betting19th among the top 100 enterprises in the province
Release time: 2017-12-27     Source: Anonymous

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    December 22,By Shaanxi Provincial Entrepreneurs Association、Shaanxi Young Entrepreneurs Association、The 2017 Shaanxi Top 100 Enterprises Release and the 7th Provincial Outstanding Entrepreneurs Commendation Conference sponsored by the Shaanxi Provincial Women Entrepreneurs Association was held in Xi'an。Shaanxi stake online sports bettingPharmaceutical Group ranks stake online sports betting19th among the top 100 companies, up from 21st last year,Li Xiqian, General Manager of Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group,Zhang Jianwei, Chairman of Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group Industrial Company, won the seventh ";Provincial Outstanding Entrepreneurs”Title。

    Top 100 Shaanxi Enterprises in 2017 released by the conference,Involving the energy and chemical industry of our province、Equipment Manufacturing、Multiple industries including services and consumer goods,And it shows three main characteristics: First, the business scale of the enterprise continues to expand。The operating income of the top 100 companies increased by 8 year-on-year.41%,Slightly higher than the GDP growth rate of our province;Second, economic benefits have increased significantly,The profitability of the overcapacity reduction industry has increased significantly,Net profit of the top 100 companies increased by 11% year-on-year.65%;Third, the government’s tax and fee reductions have achieved results,Increase profits for enterprises、Creating conditions for stable employment,Total tax payment decreased by 5% year-on-year.37%。

Li Xiqian (middle) receives the medal for outstanding entrepreneurs

    Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group leads the new economic normal with new development concepts,Create a new development situation with new reform measures,Enriching and expanding“A center、Three Support Points”Basically,Establish and strengthen the pharmaceutical industry、Expand pharmaceutical circulation、Optimal pharmaceutical packaging、Strategic ideas for cultivating the health service industry,at“Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”Achieve total operating income of 160 in the first year.4.8 billion yuan,Ranked stake online sports betting19th among the top 100 enterprises in Shaanxi。

Zhang Jianwei (left) receives the outstanding entrepreneur medal

    For publicity、Promote the spirit of reform and innovation among entrepreneurs,Promote the healthy growth of the entrepreneurial team,The conference commended and awarded 50 outstanding entrepreneurs including Li Xiqian。The commended outstanding entrepreneurs are outstanding representatives of entrepreneurs in our province,Strengthening management、Transformation and Upgrading、Independent innovation、Improve quality and efficiency、Energy Saving and Emission Reduction、Corporate Culture、Safe Stake Sports Bettingstake online sports bettingproduction、Employee team building,Remarkable achievements in promoting sustainable development of enterprises;Operation law-abiding、Performing the contract with integrity,Played an exemplary role in actively assuming corporate social responsibilities and building a harmonious enterprise。

    Before the commendation meeting,The Provincial Entrepreneurs Association organized a symposium on commended provincial outstanding entrepreneurs,Listened to the suggestions from outstanding entrepreneurs on our province’s implementation of the central government’s “Opinions on Creating a Healthy Growth Environment for Entrepreneurs, Promoting Excellent Entrepreneurship and Better Playing the Role of Entrepreneurs”。

    Relevant departments of the provincial government、Head of Association,Representative of the top 100 companies,More than 300 people from outstanding entrepreneur representatives and news media attended the commendation meeting。