The Party Committee of Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group carries out the "Don't forget the original intention",Keep your mission stake online sports bettingin mind” themed educational movie viewing activity
Release time: 2019-06-10     Source: Anonymous

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To celebrate the founding of the People's Republic of China70th anniversary,Promote "Remain true to our original aspirations,The theme education of “Keep Your Mission in Mind” was successfully carried out,Further stimulate the patriotism of cadres and the masses,Gather the power to catch up and transcend。June 5th to 6th,The Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group Party Committee shall follow the arrangements of the Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department,Organize all employees to carry out Party Day theme activities,Watched the movies "Zhou En's Return to Yan'an" and "The Musician"。

The film "Zhou En's Return to Yan'an" tells the storyPremier Zhou Enlai returned to Yan'an in 1973,A historical story that cares about stake online sports bettingthe development of the old district,Shows the Chinese Communists’ unswerving pursuit of revolutionary ideals。"Musician" tells the touching story of the friendship between Chinese musician Xian Xinghai and Kazakh musicians during World War II,Highlights the profound friendship between the people of China and Kazakhstan。

    By watching videos,Everyone relived the revolutionary years,And for Zhou Enlai, the older generation of revolutionaries who was selfless、Devotion and dedication、I was deeply moved by the great spirit of seeking happiness for the people and the sentiments of musician Xian Xinghai for his family and country。Everyone expressed their opinions,We must take the older generation of revolutionaries as role models,Based on one’s own duties、Active action、Dare to take responsibility,My stake betting appTo build a strong pharmaceutical group in the western region、Build a 100-billion-level pharmaceutical pillar industry in our province、Serving people’s health and writing a new era to catch up and transcend a new chapter。

Organization Party Committee

2019YearJune 6