Shaanxi stake betting appPharmaceutical Group Party Committee held the second fifth plenary (enlarged) meeting
Release time: 2021-01-29     Source: Anonymous

Afternoon of January stake betting app28,Shaanxi stake betting appPharmaceutical Group Party Committee held the second fifth plenary (enlarged) meeting,Comprehensive summary of work in 2020,Analysis of the current situation,Arrange and deploy key tasks in 2021。The plenary session reviewed the party committee work report titled "Implementing the New Development Concept, Integrating into the New Development Pattern, and Taking Greater Steps in Promoting High-Quality Development"、Group work report titled "Based on the new development stage, building a new development pattern, and striving to achieve a good start in high-quality development during the "14th Five-Year Plan"、Discipline Inspection Commission Work Report and 2020 Budget Implementation and 2021 Budget Arrangements titled "Focus on the Main Responsibilities and Main Businesses, Strengthen Political Responsibility, and Provide Strong Guarantee stake sports betting appfor Promoting the Group'My stake betting apps High-Quality Development to a New Level"。Party Secretary、Chairman Zhai Riqiang presided over the meeting。Member of the Group Party Committee、Member of the Discipline Inspection Commission、Members of the leadership team attended the meeting。

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The meeting reviewed and approved2020 Group Party Committee Work Report、Group work report、Group Discipline Inspection Work Report and 2020 Budget Implementation Status and 2021 Budget Arrangements。Meeting request,Party organizations of all enterprises must conscientiously study the spirit of the province’s “Two Sessions” and the spirit of the province’s State-owned Assets Work Conference,Give full play to the core role of leadership and political core,Compare the group's "12555" target task,Implementing the “Five Modernizations” stake online sports bettingidea,Achieving the “Five New” Pattern,Ensure a stake online sports bettinggood start for the “14th Five-Year Plan”、Good start,Promote the high-quality completion of various goals and tasks in 2021,Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party with outstanding achievements。