Foreign companies invade the Chinese medicine market Chinese medicine formula patent protection is imminent
Release time: 2009-11-02 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source:
       Jiang Hua, president of the Nuohua China African Medicine OTC Department, who has just taken office recently, announced in Guangzhou to high -profile that Nova will develop Chinese herbal medicines for the Chinese market in the future and indicate that there will be a local pharmaceutical company with conditions for mergers and sales of more than 500 million。

In fact, the traditional Chinese medicine and the Chinese pharmaceutical market is not just Nuohua's foreign pharmaceutical companies showing a strong interest in Chinese medicine。Data show。The current evaluation of the current situation of Chinese medicine research and development of Chinese medicine is: Chinese native South Korea blooms in Japan and results in Europe and the United States。

According to industry analysts, foreign -funded Chinese medicine companies have quietly used joint ventures in the past few years,Divide and other forms involved in the Chinese medicine market in China and sold most My stake betting appproducts Stake Sports Bettingto the Mainland。and countries entering the Chinese pharmaceutical market not only include Asian countries but also the United States,Germany,Swiss and other countries。

It is understood that more than 75%of Japanese traditional Chinese medicine raw materials from China but Japan ’s Chinese medicine products in the international traditional Chinese medicine preparation market have 80%of the share of Chinese medicines.。As a major Chinese medicine country, China only accounts for about 5%of the national pharmaceutical market。

A large part of foreign companies currently involved in traditional Chinese medicine include Lilly,Novartis and other world -renowned pharmaceutical companies, the many "foreign Chinese medicines", also set in front of Chinese consumers。At present, the imports of natural botanical medicines in my country each year have exceeded $ 600 million and increased at a rate of 200%-300%per year。

"At present, traditional Chinese medicine formulas are almost all 'free meals'。"Many years ago, the United States first applied for a patent for" Ginseng Bee Pool "produced by Jilin to apply for" Niuhuang Qingxin Pill "patent in China and the hot -selling Ginkgo leaf agent in Germany and France in the market,Japanese Savedo Dan is a derivative of Chinese medicine。And if Chinese products are sold in the markets of these countries, it will become an act that violates the patent rights of others。

Statistics show that the annual sales of the world's botanical medicine market exceeded $ 16 billion, and the annual export of Chinese medicine preparations in my country is only about 5%of the $ 100 million。

"The reason for the current loss of Chinese medicine in my country on the one hand is the low level of backward technology in the Chinese medicine industry in China; on the other hand, the lack of Chinese medicine intellectual stake sports betting appproperty rights。"Sun Guohua, a stake sports betting appresearcher at the Institute stake betting appof traditional Chinese Medicine Information of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, told reporters。

According to Sun Guohua, Western medicine is studied from the composition, so it can be protected through the application of patents; and the first test of Chinese medicine is difficult to be protected in the current form of intellectual property protection. May apply for a patent。

According to statistics, about 90%of Chinese medicine in China does not apply for a patent。Expert analysis This is mainly because many Chinese medicine lacks sufficient clinical trial data to prove that its efficacy application patent is more difficult and many Chinese medicines are as secret recipes.。

It is precisely for these reasons that China has lost a lot of Chinese medicine formulas。Intellectual property protection issues have become an important problem that plagues traditional pharmaceutical companies in my country。

Among them, the more typical of the artemisinin produced in my country as the effective monomer separated from the treatment of malaria herbs in the treatment of malaria herbal medicines in my country.。Since 2006, the World Health Organization proposed the "drug -resistant warning" of artemisinin single -preparation.。Although China has achieved success in the research and development of compound preparations, it sells the sales right of the intellectual property to Novartis。That is to say, the artemisinin of all Chinese companies must be realized through Novartis to realize that Novartis uses intellectual property rights to get the neck of Chinese pharmaceutical companies。

The same cases include many of the "Niuhuang Qingxin Liquid" traditional Chinese medicinal materials developed by Jianxin Maru, stake betting appwhich are developed by Japan My stake betting appon the basis of "Niuhuang Salvation Pills" based on the basis of China ’s six god pills in China. 8 patents fall in the hands of Americans。

These products originally belonging to China have been applied for patents and returned to the Chinese market. The same thing continues every day。

"Developed countries in foreign countries are the use of my country's defects in intellectual property management through cooperation,Acquisition,Intrandment to obtain the results of the intellectual property rights of Chinese medicine in my country, which leads to some valuable ancient prescriptions in my country,Experimental and the ancestors' secret recipes were taken away at low prices by foreign companies at low prices。"Experts stated that foreign companies use China to apply for patents to prohibit Chinese enterprises from producing and selling the Chinese market or defeat Chinese companies through infringement。Many foreign pharmaceutical companies have earned huge profits by occupying the resources stake betting appof traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions。

Sun Guohua told reporters that the current Chinese medicine industry should strengthen intellectual property awareness to closely combine the resource advantages of Chinese medicine with patent development。

Sun Guohua, the severe Chinese medicine situation in our country, first needs to improve people's awareness of the protection of Chinese medicine intellectual rights to make people realize its important role and important value。For traditional Chinese medicine companies, we must first apply for patent to use patents to protect the natural resources of Chinese medicine in my country and then convert them into intellectual property advantages and economic advantages。

At present, my country involves the administrative protection stake betting appof traditional Chinese medicine as the management measures of stake online sports bettingpharmaceutical registration and intellectual property customs protection regulations。But administrative protection has a certain limitations that ultimately rely on patents to protect your own drug intellectual property。

Sun Guohua said that traditional Chinese medicine can reasonably protect the use of intellectual property channels and the special law of the country depends on the content and characteristics of the protected objects and the use of specific protection measures and means.。