Top 10 iconic events in the domestic pharmaceutical market in 2009
Release time: 2010-01-08 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source:
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The new medical reform plan is released
April 6, 2009,New medical reform plan that has received much attention? "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Deepening the Reform of the Medical and Health System"。
Selected reason:
"Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Deepening the Reform of the Medical and Health System", which indicates that the goal of everyone's enjoyment of basic medical and health services in China has taken a big step.。The new medical reform plan has been brewed after three years,Select to introduce in the background of the financial crisis,Both are conducive to expanding domestic demand,drive economic development,At the same time, it also increases the certainty of industry development。
From the big industry level,,The government's implementation of 850 billion yuan of medical reform funds will drive personal and social expenditures,The entire pharmaceutical and health market is facing an opportunity for expansion,This is generally good for pharmaceutical companies。From the perspective of the segment,related industries that meet the direction of the new medical reform policy、Business、Basic medical devices, etc., are expected to benefit。The entire industry will accelerate integration with the advancement of medical reform,The increase in concentration will help high -quality enterprises to become bigger and stronger。
Unsolved doubts:
Whether medicine is separated、When there is still a certain uncertainties,What kind of bidding and distribution model will be adopted when implementing the new medical reform policy is still uncertain。The above suspense will undoubtedly deeply affect the 2010 pattern of the pharmaceutical industry。
【Most Influential Event】
Implementation of the basic drug system
August 18, 2009,The Office of the Leading Group of the Reform of the State Council's Reform of the Medical and Health System held a television conference call,Formally start and deploy the work of the national basic drug system,"Opinions on Establishing the Establishment of the National Basic Drug System"、"Administrative Measures for National Basic Drug Catalogs (Interim)" and "National Basic Drug Catalog (Equipment of Grassroots Medical and Health Institutions)" (2009 Edition)。
Selected reason:
The release of the above three documents marked the formal implementation of my country's establishment of a national basic drug system。Basic drug system has been widely concerned by the industry since the beginning of the year,Pay attention to,Because the system will deeply change the existing pharmaceutical pattern。First,With the basic drug directory (Stake Sports Bettingthe Stake Sports Bettingprimary medical institution is equipped with the use part), it is first implemented,Pharmaceutical market will be re -divided,The word "have modern logistics ability" proposed in the delivery requirements will also deeply affect the 2010 pattern of pharmaceutical commerce。
Unsolved doubts:
Foreign -funded medicine、Pharmaceutical drugs, etc., or whether the drugs that originally enjoyed the special drug price policy are implemented or how to implement the basic drug pricing policy.,When the "expansion version" is still being formulated is still unknown。
【Most Prospects】
Special implementation of major new drug creation
December 5, 2009,The Ministry of Science and Technology's "major new drug creation" major special implementation management office officially notified each project responsibility unit to sign the "major new drug creation" major special special "11th Five -Year Plan" project for project task contract。
Selected reason:
The signing of the task contract indicates that the "11 Five -Year Plan" program that lasted more than two years was officially implemented,6.6 billion yuan of funds in place,It will effectively promote the creation of new drugs in my country。In fact,Develop my country's new drug creation major special special,It is also the need to accelerate the cultivation of strategic emerging industries,It is the key node to adjust the pharmaceutical industry structure。
Unsolved doubts:
News from the China Medical Enterprise Management Association,"Twelfth Five -Year Plan" and "Major New Medicine Creation" major projects are already in the brewing。"Twelfth Five -Year Plan" special special investment level of the "11th Five -Year Plan"? Can it be upgraded from imitation to creation by smashing money alone?,Policy guidance allows private capital to enter the field of new drug research and development,Let folk capital see the hope of the development of new drugs? These have to be answered by the government。
[The most government sincerity]
GMPRevised again to solicit opinions
September 29, 2009,The State Food and Drug Administration officially announced the "Specifications for the Management of Drug Production Quality Management (Draft for Opinions)",Solo advice from related units such as drug production enterprises。
Selected reason:
The new version of GMP solicitation comments as of the end of November 30, 2009,The State Food and Drug Administration modified the solicitation draft based on the collected opinions,On December 7th。
Long -term,China's GMP system has always been incomplete quality management system、Dry hardware and light personnel and other questions。Drug accidents caused by poor quality management of drug production,It happened in these years。Not only affects the safety of the patient's medication,At the same time, it also faces hidden concerns of international trade,Because China's drug GMP standards and the United States、EU、Japan and other developed countries compared to,There is a certain gap。Drug GMP is related to the safety of people's medication safety and the sustainable and healthy development of the industry,The government has made the new version of GMP,While improving the level of drug quality guarantee,It will inevitably increase the threshold of pharmaceutical companies,to promote the integration of the pharmaceutical industry。
Unsolved doubts:
Current,The international mainstream market has new measures to revise drugs GMP,For example, the European Union may include ICH-Q10 into GMP,For this,Whether our new version of drug GMP needs to follow up and revise,It needs to be clear。In addition,Whether the supporting policies related to the new version of GMP will stake online sports bettingbe My stake betting appintroduced with it,This is very important。There are also GMP renovation,Whether the government will give enterprise support to enterprises in financing is also a more real question for enterprises。

【Most Progressive Event】

  2010Edition Pharmacopoeia is completed
October 10, 2009,A spokesperson for the State Food and Drug Administration Yan Jiangying announced at a press conference,2010 version of "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" was compiled,It will be published by China Pharmaceutical Technology Press,officially implemented from July 1, 2010。
Selected reason:
As a country to ensure the quality of the drug,、Make sure people's drugs are safe and effective and formulated in accordance with the law,Improvement of its standard,For example, items that increase the dissolved ductile inspection of some solid preparations,These measures will undoubtedly promote the further improvement of the quality of drugs in my country,Ensure the safety of people's medication,Promote the health of the pharmaceutical industry、Order development。
In addition,One of the highlights of the amendment of this pharmacy is to comprehensively improve the traditional Chinese medicine standards,greatly increased the number of collection of Chinese medicine drinking slices。At the same time,Modern analysis technology has been widely used,This move will also effectively promote the modernization process of Chinese medicine in my country。
Unsolved doubts:
The standard of the new version of the Pharmacopoeia is improved,What method does the industry supervision department adopt to promote enterprises to produce drugs in accordance with higher standards,Also to formulate a scientific plan。
[The most concerned incident of the public]
Pharmaceutical price reform
November 9, 2009,National Development Reform Commission、Ministry of Health、The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has jointly released the "Opinions of the Price of Reforming Drugs and Medical Services"。
Selected reason:
Policies related to drug prices have always been the most concerned policy in the domestic pharmaceutical industry,The opinion of the drug price formation mechanism introduced this time is based on the "Central Committee of the Communist Party of China、Opinions of the State Council on Deepening the Reform of the Medical and Health System (Zhongfa [2009] No. 6) and the "Notice of the State Council's Recent Implementation Plan for the Reform of the Medical and Health System (2009 ~ 2011)" (Guofa [2009] No. 12) Relevant spirit formulation,The meaning is even greater than the past。
Due to the new opinion of the opinions, it is clearly pointed out,The state will support real new drugs when formulating drug price policies、Patented medicine and first imitation medicine,And will also take post -imitation prices from low policy,The above -mentioned policy will inevitably promote domestic pharmaceutical companies to increase research and development investment。
Unsolved doubts:
New pharmaceutical price formation opinions also stated that it is necessary to actively explore the negotiation mechanism of the supply and demand of medical expenses,and encourages the pilot of payment methods and cost negotiation mechanisms with conditions。So,Where is the pilot finally expanded,When this negotiation mechanism is promoted nationwide,Always attracted much attention。
【Most Smart Event】
Medical insurance catalog introduction
November 30, 2009,The 2009 edition of the "National Basic Medical Insurance, which was launched by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security as scheduled、Catalog of Work Injury Insurance and Maternity Insurance Drugs (hereinafter referred to as the 09th version of the medical insurance directory)。
Selected reason:
Popularized the 09th version of the medical stake betting appstake online sports bettinginsurance catalog selected as the most intelligent event in 2009,We are not concerned about the size of the directory,It is in the practice of introducing the "negotiation mechanism" into the screening of the drug directory。The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said,For those clinical efficacy、Drugs with major innovative value but expensive,The state will study the relevant rules for the formulation of drug negotiation mechanisms。
Introducing the "negotiation mechanism",It will eventually form a win -win situation。Regardless of the government or the people or the pharmaceutical company,It helps to reduce the price of high -priced drugs,Reduce the burden of people and medical insurance,At the same time, it also gives high -priced pharmaceutical companies a choice,instead of being excluded from medicine。Another,Since the establishment of this mechanism,Therefore, it will undoubtedly stimulate the enthusiasm of pharmaceutical companies to develop innovative drugs。
Unsolved doubts:
How to talk about medical insurance negotiations,What is the proportion,It is still unknown at present。If the corresponding supporting policy is not introduced,Very prone to power searchThe situation of infringing public interests,This aspect should also strengthen supervision。

    【The most reorganized event with medical reform】

New Medicine Return
December 25, 2009,Shanghai Medicine absorbs the reorganization plan of Shangshi Pharmaceutical and Chinese and Western Pharmaceuticals in the form of stock exchange.,So far,All pharmaceutical reorganization is approved,"New Medicine" is out of countdown。
Selected reason:
Behind the reorganization of the new medicine,In fact, it is an important appearance for local medical business giants and industrial giants to jointly lay out new medical reform。At the same time as the reorganization of the new medicine,The Pharmaceutical Group focuses on the network layout、Variety Focusing and Enhancement of Competitiveness has a series of substantial mergers and acquisitions startups。In terms of accelerating the national business layout,Since two months from October 2009 to the present,Shanghai Pharmaceutical has invested 100 million,Completed the capital increase of 7 pharmaceutical business projects nationwide。
Dested,The emergence of new medicine,It is a precursor of many domestic pharmaceutical groups preparing for new medical reforms,Huaru、China Resources、Huaru、Tai Chi Department、Huali、There is a motivation for reorganization in the Guang Pharmaceutical Department。
Unsolved doubts:
Once the new medicine is released,It is about to have a strong demonstration effect,It may have a certain degree of promoting the integration of other central and local pharmaceutical assets,But the final result is "1+1 & gt; 2",Also to be observed。
【Most uncertain event】
Establishment of the Community Medical Service Alliance
November 10, 2009,"Zhejiang Community Medical Service Community" announced the establishment。
Selected reason:
Different from the loose alliance in the past,"Zhejiang Community Medical Services Community" of various members invested in the formation of a share company,Pick up an order through the "shell" company formed by this,Then allocate in the alliance。Current,Given the pressure of the new medical reform in bidding distribution,This model seems to have a bloom in the country。December 2009,"Jiangsu Community Medical Service Community" also announced the establishment in Nanjing。
Unsolved doubts:
This new organizational form is just a improvement of the original alliance organization structure,Not thorough,The situation between members and enterprises will still be unavoidable。Stake Sports Bettingstake betting appIn the short term,This model should be able to get a good income soon,But can it continue for a long time,Can it be recognized by the bidding office of various provinces,There is still a lot of uncertainty,It takes time inspection。
[The most low -carbon economic meaning event]
VCProduction capacity survey
Starting November 26, 2009,Industry Division of the National Development and Reform Commission、Consumer Product Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly carried out surveys of vitamin C industry。
Selected reason:
At the Central Economic Work Conference, it is clear that the low -carbon economy pilot will be launched in 2010,Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology at this time carried out the production capacity of the VC industry,Quite the weathervane meaning。
This means that the country no longer allows high energy consumption、High -environmental risk raw and drug industry unlimited extension。Earlier relying on raw materials to earn foreign exchange,The practice of leaving pollution in China is no longer allowed。
Unsolved doubts:
The current preliminary survey results have been displayed,Due to some local governments and enterprises illegal approval and construction of new VC raw material production capacity projects,As a result, the production capacity of the VC industry in my country is serious,Strengthening industry supervision is imperative。So,How the two ministries will eventually make a punch worthy of the industry's attention。For domestic chemicals and drug companies,How to achieve energy conservation and emission reduction through the application of environmentally friendly technology,It is already a top priority。