The Ministry of Health's Basic Drug Bid "Unified Specifications" will be done
Release time: 2010-04-09 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source:
    The basic drug system has been implemented for half a year,Actually is still in "Robbing"。 
April 8,Geng Hongwu, Chief of the Business CEO of Kyushu Tong Group, said at the National Basic Drug Procurement and Distribution Forum: "Although 27 provinces have completed the bidding of basic drugs,But only three or four provinces that actually started purchased,Most provinces are still watching。”
Bidding completion is just a procurement price,But because of the macro policy, it has not been very clear,Therefore, there are very few provinces that organize procurement。A source of the Department of Health of Henan Province admits: "Henan is one of the earliest provinces in the country to bid in basic drugs,But the actual procurement will also start in May this year。”   
 "The reason why it is not purchased temporarily is that all localities are looking forward to national policies,"An industry person told reporters,"There are many non -standard factors in various provinces,If there will be a large -scale abandonment of the label,It will undoubtedly stake betting appstake online sports bettingcause pressure on the implementation of the basic drug system。”  
Most pharmaceutical companies are reflected,In the provinces that have completed the bidding,malicious bids、Local protection and other phenomena occur from time to time。More and more signs indicate,The basic drug system is in operation,still not overwhelming the barrier of general drug bids。  
Bidding chaos  
September 28, 2009,Development and Reform Commission announced the guidance price of basic drug retail,Each province also determines the final bidding price with reference to this price。This seemingly reasonable process,However, many grass -roots hospitals are at a loss。The reason is that the winning price is much higher than the actual purchase price of the current grassroots hospitals。  
"Norfloxacin,The bid price of each province is mostly less than 3 yuan,It looks very low。But in the actual sales of the hospital,The price is generally less than 1 yuan。"Geng Hongwu said。  
The purchase channels for primary hospitals and retail pharmacies are basically similar。In the market of grass -roots medical institutions such as rural health centers,Many are not involved in bidding,Instead of production、Circulation enterprises directly conduct price negotiations。The result of bargaining is that this market is extremely competitive,The price is very low。Geng Hongwu said: "The price of the primary hospitals is basically the same as the pharmacy,and the price of large hospitals is much higher than that of general pharmacies。”  
Before the implementation of the basic drug system,The Ministry of Health once calculated the actual income of grass -roots medical institutions,Drugs pass through various intermediate links,Arrive at the grassroots hospital for sale,The actual price increase rate is still as high as 43%。However, after performing basic drug Stake Sports Bettingretail stake online sports bettingguidance prices,This increase in price increase will also be further increased。  
This makes many grass -roots hospitals be confused: execution of national guidance price means that demand will flow to pharmacies,Suspects that do not perform the basic drug system on the back of the original price。  
Another,Due to the existence of local protection policies,Enterprises in the province often get more care。High -quality and high -quality price、Independent pricing and other policies have raised their heads in the basic drug policies of various provinces,Enterprises are trying to form a price high place outside the policy。Jiang Heping, general manager of Jiangsu Fubang Pharmaceutical, said: "Large Enterprise、High -quality drugs have policy care,Small enterprises are very disadvantaged in tendering。”  
The chaos is not just the price of medicine。In the circulation system,Unified distribution of basic drug system,Can't reach in many places。Geng Hongwu said: "The cost of circulating enterprises is different from the transportation distance and quantity,Can't use a unified profit margin to limit。”  
The above -mentioned people at the Henan Health Department acknowledged: "Kyushu Tong is the first place in the bidding of circulating enterprises in our province,but it cannot achieve the province's coverage,Adding delivery is inevitable。But in the current system,This operation is strictly limited。”  
At the same time,Provincial basic drug bidding requires companies to participate directly,Reject agents,Enterprises have to send a lot of manpower to the provinces to participate in bids。and the province's policies are very different,The bid is not uniform,It has caused a lot of burden to all companies。  
Song Ruilin, director of the Pharmaceutical Policy Research Center of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Society, depicts such stake sports betting appa My stake betting appscene to reporters: "After the New Year,Many enterprises organize front -line production workers to help the bidding office for help,It's really too busy。”  
"Since the country already has a guidance price,Why do you want to bid? I think it can be used for the filing system。"A person from Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical said。  
Ministry of Health's shot  
All problems in the bidding of the current basic drugs and the company's dissatisfaction,The Ministry of Health has no better way。  
"When some policies are specified,Government departments do not want to understand,I just want to summarize experience through a period of pilot。"Zheng Hong said helplessly。  
Plan according to the medical reform plan,This year's basic drug system should be pushed open in 60%of the country's grass -roots medical institutions。Zheng Hong frankly,This goal is still very difficult。  
Under the circumstances of unclear policy,Enterprises choose more to vote with their feet。Li Zhenjiang, chairman of Shenwei Pharmaceutical, introduced a statistical data to reporters-companies that produce basic drugs,18.2%of companies indicating that they do not participate in the bidding of basic drugs。  
Facts,The procurement of basic drugs is slow and there is a deep -seated reason: basic drugs require the government to give the difference subsidy for the difference,and this part of the cost is yet to be dialed by the country。So far, the Ministry of Health has not made any clear statements on this allocation mechanism。  
Take Chongqing as an example,After all grass -roots medical institutions implement the basic drug system,Finance will subsidize about 1.5 billion yuan every year。For some underdeveloped areas,This part of the fiscal subsidy is difficult to be self -sufficient,The country’s investment is far away。The provinces are "just bid only instead of purchasing".。  
Insiders told reporters: "The Opinions between the Full and Financial stake online sports bettingstake sports betting appDepartment of the Ministry of Health and the Basic Pharmaceutical Department are not completely unified,Therefore, there are also weakness behind the basic drug system。”  
So local cities in various localities in actual operation,The "second bidding" of disguise again,Make another specification for the unified price set by the whole province,exclude some small companies,Leave it for more high -priced products with high -priced products with more "execution"。The basic drug system is gradually flowing in form。  
but,This kind of life that crosses the river with stones may soon end。Zheng Hong revealed: "In the second half of this year,The Ministry of Health will take out a unified method for the bidding of basic drugs,Standardize the bidding work in the province。"This is also the first time that the Ministry of Health of various provinces has made a unified guidance in the use of the bidding use.。