Nicotine "Beheading" Action Foreign -funded pharmaceutical company smoking quit medicine has successively landed in China
Release time: 2010-04-23 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source:
    Cigarettes are killing the smokers group,Especially in China,Emphasis on Death with willpower and smoking quit medicine 3 . 500 million smokers' life competitions,Dead God takes up the wind。China is nearly 1 million people caused by smoking every year,12%of the total number of deaths-this is almost the number of people in a metropolis disappearing each year。Professor of Respiratory Medicine at the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University、Expert Hu Xueyan said,It is estimated that this proportion will rise to 33%by 2020。   
who information indicates,At present, 3 million people die from smoking every year in the world,It is estimated that it will rise to 10 million by 2025,and China will account for 2 million。Statistics of the World Health Organization,If it is not controlled,By 2020,Among 1.3 billion smokers around the world,With 6 .5 billion people stake sports betting appMy stake betting appwould die prematurely because of smoking.  
Matching it,Is a disease caused by smoking、The huge loss caused by death。At present, China ’s direct losses and indirect losses caused by smoking every year are between 220 billion yuan and 280 billion yuan。This cannot be compared with the annual sales of the Chinese smoking cessation product market with a annual sales of not more than 500 million yuan ---- and the size of the Chinese smoking cessation market is estimated to be about 300 billion yuan。  
The world's three major pharmaceutical giants Nova、Pfizer、Several kinds of smoking quit medicine launched by Johnson & Johnson in the past two years have successively landed in China。Enterprise is full of hope for economic accounts: Assuming that 17%of smokers in China have requested to relieve their dependence on cigarettes,Calculated at 500 yuan per person's smoking quit,The size of the smoking cessation market is close to 300 billion yuan。  
But smoking cessation medicine has not made a popular market feedback in China。Researcher Dr. Xiao Dan said,There are very few people who really want to quit smoking,Drug quitting smoking is far from being deeply rooted in people。"Very ridiculous is,Some people find lung cancer after quit smoking、Heart disease,The reason is attributed to the quitting of smoking。They often have decades of smoke,and quit smoking for a few months。”  
The adverse effects of Chinese smokers will be delayed for 30 years to appear,High costs that save lives and treat cancer and other diseases are almost unimaginable。According to the estimation of the research institution,There are still about 400 million passive smokers in China,Therefore, about 700 million people in China are harmed by tobacco directly or indirectly。Recently,A item by the Stake Sports Bettingstake online sports bettingChina Health Education Center of the Ministry of Health、Life Times、The "Survey Survey of Chinese Internet users" jointly carried out by Sohu Health and Pfizer Pharmaceutical has also started。  
 stake sports betting appThe World Health Organization has already reached a conclusion that smoking addiction is a chronic high recurrence disease,Classification of international diseases,This strongly supports the scientific research direction of drug blocking addiction treatment。  
Nicotine is the introduction of all these tragedies,It is a seduce that makes people fall into smoke addiction and gradually collapses the entire body system ---- A surrounding cigarette,Almost gathered all the top killers that can cause life-when you lit cigarettes with buttane lighter,Nicotine is only needed 13 to the brain as a pioneer through the vein .5 seconds,and Nicotine entering the brain is only 7.5 seconds。When Nicotine enters the brain,Quickly find a combination of a combination of a combination-nicotine and acetylcholine in the brain to produce dopamine-this is a substance that makes people relax and pleasant --- once it controls the brain,This dependency instruction will be published to other systems that dependencies to the body。  
Medicist Hu Xueyan and Zhang Yifang think,More than 4,000 chemicals produced by smoke have been confirmed to have more than 250 kinds of carcinogenic and toxic substances。Even in any disease in the body,You can find the ghost of poison in cigarettes。  
This means,blocking nicotine into the brain,It is the primary task to block the central nervous and spiritual control of the harmful substance ladder into the human body's central nervous system,This is the beheading operation of the smoking quit medicine。  
 From drugs to vaccine  
Nicotine alternative,It is the first wave of drug treatment methods taken by people。The concept of the concept that people once rely on will have the concept of the concept of a comprehensive failure。  
Nicotine instead of common dosage transparent skin paste、Chewing agent、tablets、Nasal spray、Oral spray, etc.。Dan Nicotine's replacement has potential addiction,High complexity rate after stopping the drug。  
The attempt of the new medicine becomes one of the motivation to motivate the smoking quit drug market。Pino -hydrochloride ketone phytoprama Zyban (Yueting) became the world's first nonninodine (NRT) smoking quit drug。Test prove that Zyban's smoking cessation effect is better than nicotine alternative,Success rate is as high as 50%。Pfizer's nearly 10 years after the listing of Yue Ting CHANTIX (Changpei),Let the updated drugs help the smoking quit。  
Non -prescription medicine nicotine chewing glue and patch,greatly improved the availability of ordinary people for smoking cessation products,Oral smoking cessation medicine without nicotine is based on such an idea: that is, drugs and nicotine competition。  
Expert Hu Xueyan said,Smokers should take this medicine in advance,Nicotine reached the brain more than ten seconds ago,The acetylcholia receptor of the brain has released the dopamine that makes you "pleasant" in combination with the drug。Drugs occupy the receptor,Nicotine again,It has the antagonistic effect of the precedent-nicotine cannot be combined! This is why people feel that smoking is "no taste" after taking the medicine.。  
But,Nicotine's molecules are too small,so that the human body cannot identify and clear it-the smoking quit medicine is still passive defense。In addition,Is there any way to humans?  
A Swiss My stake betting appscientist developed an anti -nigdine vaccine: combining nicotine molecules with larger viral protein molecules,so that the human body can identify it and regard it as an external invader to attack and destroy it,Stop them to control the pathogenic of the brain and other systems。However, the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine remains to be verified,It takes a long time to launch the market。  
Compared with smoking,Quit smoking itself is full of pain: irritability、Depression、Insomnia、Easy、Angry、anxiety、Heart rate decrease、Meiture increase or weight gain, etc.。But anyway,When nicotine is defeated by you,You will exit the list of "death caused by smoking"-this is more pleasant than the pleasure brought by nicotine。