The first "annual report" of medical reform: spent 390 billion benefits 1.2 billion people
Release time: 2010-05-28 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source:
    Starting implementation from the new medical reform in April last year,It has been more than a year for a year。
Economic Observation News learned from the National Development and Reform Commission on May 20, 2010,As of February 2010,Finance at all levels in the country has been a real gold silver with 390.2 billion yuan in reform expenditures。390.2 billion in exchange for,From urban employees、Residents' extensive coverage of 1.2 billion population medical insurance in the countryside,and the preliminary completion of the grass -roots medical and health institution system。and the wheel of the new medical reform continues to rotate,There is good news as the wheels rotate,There is also "difficult to see a doctor、The bad news of existing a doctor still exists "。At present, see,This huge amount of funds is replaced with a good or bad social benefit map。
  My stake betting appSince the new medical reform of last year,It is still a solution to "difficult to see a doctor、Expensive medical treatment "as the purpose of reform。One year of medical reform,Policies have chosen "solving difficulties" as a breakthrough out of the breakthrough。2009,For urban and rural staff without staff、Elderly、Children、College students 'residents' medical insurance,From the pilot to the whole country。Xinnonghe medical insurance for rural residents is also officially implemented in the country。
Dested,In order to effectively solve the pressure of this part of the disadvantaged group,As early as 2006, the State Council issued a notice of the New Rural Cooperation Pilot,China's first medical insurance subsidy plan for farmers。2007,State Council for living in cities,No staff、Elderly、Child、College students,I issued a pilot plan for urban residents' medical insurance subsidy。
When these two medical insurance starts pilot,The subsidy standard stays at about 40 yuan per person per year。One year after the implementation of the new medical reform,Data display provided by the Social Division of the National Development and Reform Commission of the National Development and Reform Commission,The number of Chinese residents has exceeded 1.2 billion,The subsidy standard reaches 80 yuan per capita。
1.2 billion people,Including 401 million urban population and 833 million rural residents participating in NTonghe。Where,The number of insureds in cities and towns increased by 83.25 million over the previous year,The participation rate of Xinnonghe reached 94.2%。
The significant increase in the number of participants,The new medical reform achieved the first stage goal。Residents who participated in medical insurance,In the future, nearly half or half of the cost of medical treatment will be paid by the government。
Reduce the expenses of residents' treatment costs,To reduce the insufficient medical resources,Solve the problem of "difficult to see a doctor",Only the central government has implemented less than 3 months at the beginning of the new medical reform,Special funds for 20 billion yuan,Used for 986 county -level hospitals、3549 central township health centers、Construction of 1154 urban community health service centers。
Data display of the Ministry of Health,Since the implementation of the new medical reform,2077 township hospitals have been added in various places,8011 Urban community health service centers,and 68128 village clinics。So far,599,000 administrative villages in the country have a total of 633,000 village clinics,Village clinic coverage rate reaches 90.4%。Corresponding to the rapid growth of medical institutions,The health management department trained 980,000 grass My stake betting app-roots My stake betting appprofessional medical staff。
At present, including the health file of urban and rural residents、Health education and other 9 basic public health services have been provided free of charge to residents。More than 30%or more areas have achieved new rural cooperation、Outpatient reimbursement for medical insurance for residents in urban residents。More than 50%of the nation's regions realized the timely settlement of medical expenses。
From the beginning of the new medical reform to February this year,Cumulative expenditures at all levels in the country 390.2 billion yuan,Among them, the central government's fiscal expenditure is 127.7 billion。A large medical network weaving woven by governments at all levels has been rolled out。
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New Medicine Reform Plan Regulations,Starting from this year,Per capita medical insurance subsidy standards will once again increase to 120 yuan。This indicates that fiscal investment will be further increased。
When the new medical reform was announced last year,The country's plan is 850 billion investment in three years。390 billion yuan invested in the first year of medical reform,Nearly half。but,Such an input is effective at the same time,Still facing a big question。
"The price of medicine is not low、The bed fee is increased than before,It still exists for expensive seeing a doctor。"Wang Peng said that the basis is,Father living in rural Anhui,I have lived in the township health center for more than 80 days,The cost of medication is as high as 6000 yuan。This is only more than 1,000 yuan less than last year。
Wang Peng himself is the manager of a Beijing pharmaceutical sales company,"After the implementation of the basic drug system that is not officially said,The price of drugs dropped by 30%.。The results of the first showing of medical reforms are bluffing。"" But,Wang Peng also admits that it is much more convenient to see a doctor than before。
Actually,In order to slow down the problem of "expensive medical treatment",The "National Basic Medicine System" supported by the new medical reform will appear quickly in 4 months after the implementation of the new medical reform。This system specifies,Government medical institutions organized by the government,stake sports betting appAll stake betting app307 drugs in the basic drug system,and zero difference rate sales。
Last year,Basic drugs are first in 19,664 township health centers in 1,030 counties and cities、8527 government -run community health service agencies implementation。
"Last year we invested more than 80 million in grassroots medical care。"Xu Yonggang, director of Kunming City Health Bureau, introduced。To cut off the interests of drugs,Kunming implemented two lines of management methods for income and expenditure。Expenses of Township Township Health Center,Direct funding from finance。The income of medical services directly enters the account of the financial department。
But in Wang Peng's view,This does not effectively cut off the interests of the drug,"I am doing the drug circulation industry,With the suppression of drug prices with the basic drug system,Some low -priced bidding medicines are unable to abandon the bid,Pharmaceuticals with relatively high prices in the medical institution。”
It is understood,Until now 30 provinces and cities have completed the first bidding of basic drugs,28 provinces and cities have begun to implement basic drug zero difference rate sales。The official statement given is,Drug prices decreased by about 30%than before。According to the reporter,,The phenomenon of abandonment of low -cost drugs is in Shanghai、Jiangsu、Inner Mongolia and other cities appear。
In order to alleviate the problem of "difficulty in seeing a doctor" caused by many patients in the large hospital,New medical reform is in implementation,The reimbursement ratio of township health institutions has been increased to 70%,The proportion of reimbursement of large hospitals is constantly compressed,To attract patients to seek medical treatment at small and medium hospitals。
Hong Kong Alepe Pi Hospital Management Institution,Recently to Shandong、More than 100 medical institutions in Guangdong and other places investigated it after investigation,The business volume of grass -roots medical institutions increased by 20%。
"Among these hospitals,The reimbursement ratio of township hospital is 70%,The reimbursement ratio of county -level hospitals is 50%,Hospital reimbursement ratio at or above the city level My stake betting appis stake online sports betting30%。"Hong Kong Alepe Pi Hospital Management Institution CEO Zhuang Yizhou,Growth of the reimbursement ratio of grass -roots medical institutions,attracted some patients to re -select small medical institutions,The problem of crowded the big hospital was relieved。
But what is still dissatisfied with some people is,Current,Medical at the grass -roots medical and health institutions,Only medicine fees can be reimbursed。Hospital fees and diagnostic fees all need patients,The cost of hospitalization is a lot higher than before。
"The bed fee for the township health centers now reaches 18 yuan a day。This is 10 yuan higher than before。The diagnostic fee also feels higher than before。"Wang Peng thinks,Although the level of urban and rural medical treatment has been improved since the overall new medical reform,But there are still many details of details。
The overall goal of the medical reform is,By 2011 the basic medical security system covered urban and rural residents,Basic medical and health popularity and service level have significantly improved,The burden of medical treatment for residents is significantly reduced。
From the current point of view,New medical reform and many tasks should be promoted carefully and patiently。