Basic drug price decrease or finalization: 30%~ 40%
Release time: 2010-06-18 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source:
    "The price adjustment of the new round of basic drugs brewed by the National Development and Reform Commission has been determined。"" Medical Economic Daily "reporter recently learned from reliable channels,The price reduction in this round can reach 30%to My stake betting app40%,Related documents may be landed within this month。The document will have a transition period of 3 months after the introduction。 

Due to the frequent price chaos since the implementation of basic drugs in various places,The National Development and Reform Commission has previously revealed the idea of ​​adjusting the price of basic drugs in a large scale,and clearly stated that it is necessary to strengthen the price purchase and sales management of the enterprise's independent pricing drugs,Strictly approve the formation of drug prices,Establishing four major measures including establishing a basic drug dynamic adjustment mechanism and revised drug price management measures。but,The specific price reduction has not surfaced。 

Previously, the country has adjusted the price of drugs 25 times in a row,But the effectiveness of the low price of drug treatment is not ideal。and the decline of 30%to 40%for this time,Not optimistic in the industry。Industry insiders who are unwilling to name,Such a significant price reduction of basic drug prices,In the end, the survival of the Pharmaceutical stake sports betting appProduction Enterprise is becoming more difficult,The problem of high -priced drug prices in hospitals is still difficult to solve fundamentally。 

"Such price reduction,It can be visually metaphorical as headache,And the feet of nail headache medicine B。"Yu Mingde, chairman of the China Medical Enterprise Management Association,The most important thing about medical reform is to solve the situation of drug care for medicine,instead of blindly reduced the price of drugs。 

A pharmaceutical marketing person has a rough analysis of the composition of drug marketing costs,From this thinking,In the current,The cost of about 60%of the cost of drugs is used for drug marketing,and the cost of this part will not be changed due to the change of national policy or the decline in drug prices,So,If you want to really cut off the price virtual high,,It is necessary to start from these 60%first。 

"If there is no reform from the level of the system and mechanism,Simply introduced policies to reduce drug prices,It may lead to two results: First, some conscience drugs disappear from the market,Because under the current mechanism and stake betting appsystem,Enterprises must ensure the quality of medicine,You need to ensure a fixed production cost,Once the profit space is too small,It will not guarantee the continuity of production,In the end, the conscience medicine will disappear; another result is even more terrible,After the price of drugs drops sharply,If you can still ensure that the intermediate cost of unreasonable expenditure,That indicates that this kind of medicine is likely to be a fake medicine。"Related experts point out for this,If the basic drug is so big this time,The pharmaceutical industry, whether it is manufacturing or business,All will suffer a new round of severe test。 

The reporter learned,Due to the huge impact of worrying about the implementation of price reductions, the huge impact on the pharmaceutical industry,China Medical Enterprise Management Association has submitted a report to the relevant departments,It is recommended to re -review this drug price adjustment。