The Development and Reform Commission strictly verify some medical insurance varieties of the medical insurance varieties raid price
Release time: 2010-06-18 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source:
    Before the announcement of the new version of the National Medical Insurance Catalog on November 30, 2009,From the price announced by the price departments of various places,The price of more than 30 new varieties has been raised at different levels,The highest increase in a single variety is even close to 90%,The range involves Liaoning、Shandong、Guangdong and other provinces。
    Yesterday,The problem of large price increases for the variety of medical insurance catalogs for the explosive medical insurance,The website of the Development and Reform Commission's website states,The National Development and Reform Commission is currently undergoing cost and price survey。
   Stake Sports Betting    The Development and Reform Commission stated that: "For entering the national medical insurance catalog,Enterprise assault price increase,Strict cost verification,It is an unreasonable price increase,It is not recognized when pricing; for entering the directory、The price increase before the government pricing,will order relevant companies to restore the original price,Price authorities in various places must strengthen supervision and inspection。”
    Development and Reform Commission emphasized again,The price competent department formulates the highest retail price limit for drugs,Mainly "anti -price price"。Current,The National Development and Reform Commission is studying the formulation of new drug price management measures,While controlling the price increase,will cooperate with bidding purchase,Promote the reasonable reduction in the price through the competition。Autonomous pricing for enterprises,Specific identification standards and procedures for studying "anti -profits",This will fight the price of maliciously raising the price,Behavioral behavior that harms consumer interests。
    The "Administrative Measures for Drug Price" mentioned in the Statement of the Development and Reform Commission has just ended the last round of opinions,Currently entering the file release channel。
    "First Financial Daily" in the last draft of the Development and Reform Commission "Measures for Management of Drug Price" (Draft for Solicitation),Procedures for the government's formulation and adjustment of drug prices,New "Measures" clear,A cost survey should be carried out、Price survey,Organize expert review or demonstration,and "Listen to all aspects of society if necessary,Trial and announce the price plan "。
    Where,Cost and price survey,A system that combines census and special surveys。
    For the "New Entering the Pharmaceutical Price Catalog" and "the government's guidance price has not yet been formulated,The price is formulated and announced by the price authority "。
    At present,The formation of drug prices in my country is mainly three channels: drugs entering the national medical insurance directory are formulated by the National Development and Reform Commission; medicines that have not entered the national medical insurance catalog but enter the My stake betting appprovincial medical insurance supplementary directory,The guidance price is formulated by the province; the remaining varieties implement market pricing。
    During the time difference of the play, the factual facts
    In the information controlled by this newspaper,The injecting of glycinamidazole sodium injection (0.25g) produced by Shandong Green Leaf Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (0.25g) at the Shandong Provincial Price Bureau rose from 168 yuan to 198 yuan on August 31, 2009; Shaanxi Tianyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Polychenol injection (10ml/100mg) In June 2009, the record price at the Price Bureau of Shandong Province rose from 650 yuan to 780 yuan。
    Moreover,November 25, 2009,Dalian Hualian Jingang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.'s oliveine oral milk (20ml/200mg) increased from 93.5 yuan per branch to 170 yuan,The increase is approaching 90%。
    More than that,Including Germany Suwei、Beijing Nova、Some varieties of multinational pharmaceutical companies such as the first and third coasts,Different degrees of ups and downs before the announcement of the new medical insurance directory。
    "A few months before the announcement of the medical insurance directory,Many companies have already known whether they are shortlisted through various channels,So the price increases in advance; and the current country is approved the cost price of drugs,Once determined,The current price will be formally determined in the name of ‘national”,Price before pricing,Play time difference、Causes the factual facts,This should be the purpose that these price increase companies will finally achieve。"A senior person in the industry believes。
    time to this day,Due to the completion of pricing bidding and local varieties supplement,2009 version of the medical insurance directory has not really started to implement at the market level。
    Price and conduction of "bottom -up"
    The National Development and Reform Commission subsequently said,According to current laws and regulations,After the drug enters the national basic medical insurance directory,will be converted from the independent pricing of the enterprise to the pricing of the price authority,Approve the highest retail price limit in accordance with the prescribed procedures。
    Due to the need to carry out cost price surveys and other work,Drugs from entering the medical insurance directory to the government to approve the price limit standard,It takes a certain time。To not affect market supply,According to policy regulations,Before the government is priced,Operators can temporarily implement the actual market price,But you must not increase the price at will。
    "Application of the company's price increase,We will refer to many factors,For example, the connection with the price of foreign provinces、Proper consideration of the factory price and cost, etc.。"Our reporter during an interview in Shenyang,Relevant person in charge of the Price Bureau of Liaoning Province said,Because the pricing of the medicine is too complicated,Multi -quality gauge,The pricing department generally only check the quotation that feels the problem.,"For example, collect the actual factory price、retail price and bidding price in relevant provinces。”
    and most varieties after reporting the price increase through the enterprise,Started to submit materials through the provincial price department to the country,Subsequently confirmed approval at the national level。
    "The problem now is,If there is no time and energy in the province to figure out whether the varieties really need to increase the price,Put it at the national level,Facing the huge variety and workload,It is obviously impossible to figure out this problem。"A person who is unwilling to disclose the name talks。
    During the bottom -up pricing process of this series,Regardless of the government or enterprise,"Price Collection" has become a key part。
    "It is impossible for Guangxi stake online sports bettingto check the cost of drug costs in Henan,Generally just for reference,So for the company,If the price increases in a province,spread in order,It is very likely that it will last cover the whole country。"said the industry insider,Earlier, the sky-high asparagus tablets were actually rooted in this-Hunan could not check the real cost of Sichuan production enterprises,Information opaque,Finally led to a complete break of the asparagus tablet supply chain。
    The further problem is,When the final pricing of each province is referred to the price of the surrounding provinces,When the "actual use price" of the province is collected in the country,This "bottom -up" price that gradually rises the boat,It has become the "real" level collected by the country,False prices finally become real national pricing,The aforementioned industry person talks。