Coding chaotic trouble of medicine logistics
Release time: 2010-10-26 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source:
    The harmfulness of unqualified drugs is far greater than food,So,Compared to food,Drug traceability is more necessary。But,At present, due to the confusion of coding,warehousing、Pharmaceuticals caused by the transportation of transportation links are almost without traceability。 
  In the food field,Set up unified encoding and preparing food traceability work has already begun。
    From 2003,China Item Coding Center began to refer to the relevant application guide of the International Item Code,Combined with the actual situation of our country,He has published "Beef My stake betting appProduct stake online sports bettingTracking and Tracking Guide"、"Fruit、Vegetable tracking and traceability guidelines "and" Food Safety Traceability Application Case Collection ",and through the "Barcode Promotion Project" project,Actively carry out application pilots and promotion work nationwide,For the formulation of national standards such as "Food Tetrix General Specifications" and "Food Traceable Information Coding and Idential Specifications", fully prepares。
    January this year,"Food Trops of General Specifications" and "Food Traceable Information Coding and Logic Specifications" Two food traceability national standards passed the approval,A series of national standards for food quality and safety traceability are being formulated,my country's food quality and safety traceability standard system will be improved day by day。
    But in the field of drugs that require more safety than food,This system is still blank。
    "7 years have passed,There is no substantial progress about the unified encoding of medicine。"Wang Yinxue, the technical director of the logistics engineering department of Chinese Medicine Holdings Co., Ltd., sighs to the reporter of China Merchants News。
    Wang Yinxue is a veteran -level figure that has been working hard in the field of medicine and logistics for many years,He also witnessed the helplessness of this industry。
    Actually as early as 2003,Wang Yinxue and Shanghai Standardization Research Institute conduct a research stake online sports bettingwork Stake Sports Bettingfor unified codes of drugs,Before and after half a year,Last fruitful end。"Single enterprises cannot advance,Each company is political。The crux is that the government department does not act、Industry Association has no binding force。"The cause of the card shell,Wang Yinxue a lot of emotions。
    So, to this day, the condition of the pharmaceutical industry is still like this:
    Each pharmaceutical manufacturer has its own drug coding,But there is no uniform code between enterprises; so,After entering the circulation link,Each pharmaceutical circulation enterprise must reset its own code again,and there is no unified encoding between circulating companies; entering the pharmacy、After the hospital,They have to set another code。
    For example,Chinese Medicine Group has been preparing Chinese medicine coding since 2004,Forms 160,000 Chinese medicine coding systems,Including medicine encoding、Customer code、Dealer encoding。But these codes are only applicable to the internal Chinese medicine,Not universal with other pharmaceutical groups。
    "The storage and transportation of many medicines is required,For example, some medicines have strict requirements on temperature and humidity,If the medicines that need to be refrigerated are not refrigerated,That is not only effective,It may also become 'drugs'。"Medical representative Wang Yong who has dealt with drugs for many years, stake betting appWang Yong, told the reporter My stake betting appof" China Production News ",There are problems with some vaccines,In fact, it is not necessarily the problem of the manufacturer,It may also be a problem with the logistics link。
    It is not difficult to imagine,If there is a problem with a drug in storage or circulation,How difficult it is to trace back!
    The crux of the coding of the pharmaceutical industry,Li Wenming, an analyst of Beijing Hejun Medical Industry Research Center, has his own opinion,He pointed out to the reporter of "China Economic News",First,Drug types of many categories,There are also many types of packaging,Unified encoding is a cost problem; second,Unified encoding requires drug management、Unified system for supervision,Now the system is not uniform,is a problem at the industry management level; finally,Enterprise Xiao,Number more,Insufficient power,Industry scattered is a common problem。
    For this,Wang Yinxue's view is exactly the opposite,He believes that the unified encoding does not require too much cost,On the contrary, the coding will increase the cost of the circulation enterprise,"Re -coding every link、Re -label,Also do the corresponding relationship data maintenance of different codes。increased cost、Reduce efficiency。The root cause is the inaction from the competent department。”
    but,"Twelfth Five -Year Plan" Drug circulation Industry Development Plan My stake betting app"is being drafted during the Stake Sports Bettingdrafting stage,One of the important jobs,It is to unify the coding of drug products nationwide,To formulate a unified ID card for the development of medical modern logistics。
    Many people in the industry have said that they have high hopes.