The overall cooling of the pharmaceutical market has fallen and new medicinal materials fell more
Release time: 2010-12-10 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source:

At present, the pharmaceutical market is like a big river.,Sanqi、Prince Ginseng,Gold and Silver Flower,Various varieties that once led the coquettish,It is also calm and quiet。stake betting appstake sports betting appQingqiao,Without the hot market when you have a new birth,Just because people take the tea cool; mandarin meat,Step by the new price in the new and in -depth price,But only a few people are singing unicorn; Poria,There is also no active scenario of transactions in the early stages of production; Codonopsis,The price increase is temporarily promoted; Bai Zhi,Insufficient upward power,The willingness to decline is not strong; the mother,Chrysanthemum,Production is new,Not much applause。At present, some medicinal materials are still new.,It's just the overall market market cooling,The purchase and sale of new medicinal materials is also in trouble。

Magnolia Village, Longping Township, Longping Township, Jianshi County, Hubei, Lanhuo Lan Laoshuo New Price Slips is impacted by new goods listing,Price Fall,90 % dry uniform goods are priced at 6 yuan,Little merchants who buy in the place of origin because of the place to produce,The buyer dare not receive a lot of goods,Most of the supply Stake Sports Bettingis My stake betting appin the hands of medicine farmers。

Jiuli Town, Laocheng District, Luzhou, Anhui Province, chrysanthemum production of chrysanthemums in Jiuli Township, New Test Price.,There are a small number of new products on sale,70 % of more dry goods for multiple asking price 25 yuan,Chencao's asking price 21 ~ 22 yuan (color dark red),After buyer, less,Slowly walk around the big goods。

The price of barley rice in Xiashan Town, Xingren County, Guizhou has continued to decline. Recent harvesting is basically end,Most of them in the shelling and drying of the seeds,Due to the expansion of the planting area this year,The price also declines all the way,Current white shell rice 5 ~ 6 yuan,Black Shell 4 yuan,90 meters 13 yuan,95 meters 13.8 ~ 14 yuan,There are so many processors who dare not buy a large amount of shell barley,Most of the supply stays in the hands of the growers。

Jiangxi Xinfeng County Daa Town Water Pinellia Production New Price is currently worthy of water Banxia Production,The price of a large number of new goods is stable and falls,7 ~ 80 % of uniforms cost about 14 stake betting appStake Sports Bettingyuan; this year's planting area amplification,It is estimated that there is still a downward trend on the listing of new goods。

Bantang Town, Yongcheng District, Luzhou, Anhui Province, Dynamic Transaction deserted due to continuous drought in the near future,Difficulty in planting,The price of atractylodes in the market market is 11 ~ 12 yuan, and young people ask Jin,Some seedlings have to be sold dry,6 ~ 70 % of dry goods are mostly priced at 17 ~ 18 yuan,There are drinks and processing households in small batches。

Shaanxi Shangluo Danfeng County Shangtan Banlang Lantan produced new -priced skid this year's local flooring area planting area expanded a lot,Currently entering the excavation period,There is no large amount of dry products for sale,Only a few dried products excavated in advance,8 ~ 90 % dry goods price 9.2 ~ 9.6 yuan,Not many buyers,Big goods are rare for transactions。