The new path of the upgrade of generic drugs in my country takes internationalization strategy
Release time: 2010-12-21 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source:

Business Club, December 21, seize the rare opportunities in the next 5 years,Realization of the transformation from the major country of generic drugs to the imitation drug power country,It is a major task of China's pharmaceutical industry。
There are at least two directions for Chinese enterprises to achieve internationalization of generic drugs: First, seize the opportunity of the peak of the world patent drugs,Improve quality standards,Entering the high -end market in Europe and the United States; on the other hand, the development includes antimalarial、tuberculosis、The field of infectious diseases including AIDS,Actively participate in international bidding purchases,Set in Africa and other developing countries market
Under the trend of sharp expansion in the entire international generic drug market,Excess capacity、How to seize the opportunity for China to seize the opportunities of drug homogeneous competition is becoming more and more important。
In order to better build a domestic and foreign exchange platform,The "China Physical Pharmaceutical International Development Strategic Seminar" hosted by the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association and the China Pharmaceutical Industry stake betting appMy stake betting appResearch and Development Promotion Association (hereinafter referred to as the "China Pharmaceutical Association") was held in Shanghai a few days ago,Including the World Health Organization、A number of international organization experts including the United Nations International Drug Procurement Mechanism、More than 100 people from domestic research institutions and representatives of pharmaceutical companies attended the meeting。
Participating representatives reached a consensus -Chinese enterprises vigorously developed generic drugs,The path to realize internationalization has at least two directions: First, seize the opportunity of the peak of the world patent medicine,Improve quality standards,Entering the high -end market in Europe and the United States; on the other hand, the development includes antimalarial、tuberculosis、The field of infectious diseases including AIDS,Actively participate in international bidding purchases,Entering Africa and other developing countries。
New growth period
The rapid development of the generic drug market in recent years has become an indisputable fact,"2013 global generic drug market capacity is expected to be as high as US $ 250 billion,The expected growth rate is 13%。"Chen Wei, a senior partner of Aiyi Kai Consulting Company, said。
The rapid growth of the market comes from many factors。Lin Jianning, director of the Institute of Southern Medical Economics, pointed out: "The proportion of total medical and health expenditures in developed countries has increased in GDP,The government reduces the burden by encouraging the use of generic drugs。"" Facts,developed market (including the United States、Germany and Britain) Government is taking measures to stimulate the development of the generic drug market。On the other hand,A large amount of drug patents expire to bring opportunities to generic drugs,"Expected from 2010 to 2014,Patent medicines with a total value of $ 209 billion will be expired,It brought huge market opportunities to generic drugs。"Lin Jianning said。

The industry generally stake betting appstake sports betting appbelieves,Emerging markets represented by China and India will become a new round of growth point for the generic drug market。In addition to the steady development of China's macroeconomics and the continuous increase in total health costs,A variety of policy factors jointly promote the further development of the Chinese imitation pharmaceutical market,Lin Jianning believes: "The basic drug system is being implemented steadily,Most of the basic drugs are imitation drugs; reform and exploration of medical insurance payment methods from project payment to total prepaid system,Domestic generic drugs with better treatment cost-effect ratio; drug pricing reforms that tend to ‘cancel the patent of foreign-funded enterprises' patents”,It is beneficial to enhance the competitive advantage of domestic brand generic drugs。"" In his opinion,China's imitation drug market will have three major development trends: "First is a high -quality trend,In the end, there will be some high -end generic drug giants in China; the second is the trend of grabbing the first imitation,This trend will increase our market concentration; the third is to improve internationalization,The internationalization process of generic drugs will accelerate,It will gradually enter the international mainstream market。”
Xu Ming, director of the General Department of the Import and Export Chamber of Commerce of China Medical and Health Products, believes: ",The entire generic drug industry will win a new growth period。"But he reminded domestic generic drug companies,will face competition from three levels: the first level is competition from non -brand generic drugs,India, which is very similar to China and China, will challenge my country; the second level is a large -scale production brand imitation drug company,We want to enter the high -end market,will face this competition from the second team; competitors at the third level,It is mainly those multinational companies based on original drugs,With a large number of heavy patented drugs My stake betting appStake Sports Bettingexpired,They will enter the field of imitation drugs。
Internationalization strategy
In the field of generic drugs,domestic and foreign markets are showing the features of multiple games。For China,Although it is a major pharmaceutical country,But at the same time, it is also facing the number of production enterprises of the same variety、Excess capacity、Repeated production serious,and lack of understanding of international access conditions、Drug varieties have not made major breakthroughs when entering the international market、Generally lacks a series of issues such as products that have passed international certification products and international market operations。For this,Song Ruilin, the executive chairman of the China Pharmaceutical Industry stake betting appMy stake betting appResearch and Development Promotion Association, reminds domestic companies,Pay attention to the needs of drug use in developing countries and Africa,"The pharmaceutical industry in these places is still very underdeveloped,Long -term lack of medical medicine and severe acute infectious diseases、Due to chronic diseases。To alleviate these problems,World Health Organization、Global Development Fund and the United Nations relevant agencies,Both purchases for Africa and other developing countries and provide free medicines that local people need to urgently need。Promote China's pharmaceutical industry to improve quality standards,Participate in international tender,Use existing capacity to move towards the international market,Realizing the strategic transfer of my country's pharmaceutical industry from domestic industries to international industries,It looks very necessary。”
Dested,Including global anti -AIDS tuberculosis and malaria fund (GFATM)、Global Anti -Tuberculosis Drug Management Center (GDF)、UNITAID、A number of international organizations, including the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), have extended olive branches to Chinese companies,I hope to help domestic companies understand more Stake Sports BettingStake Sports Bettingabout relevant international procurement and certification procedures,To help companies develop a wider range of international markets,At the same time, meet the needs of some developing countries for medication。
It is generally recognized in the international community that "the foundation of the raw and medicine is solid,Most of them have infrastructure、Batch production capacity,The advantage of the cost of medicine and diagnosis and treatment is low,In order to go through the relevant certification and international tender,Experts from the United Nations International Pharmaceutical Procurement Mechanism suggest that Chinese companies should "understand the international quality system; develop new types of raw materials or drug preparations for innovation; establish joint ventures with existing generic drug manufacturers; consider high -burden national producers considerations Technical transfer or establishment of joint ventures。"(Reporter Kang Yiyao)