The price of Chinese medicinal materials has plummeted or has arrived
Release time: 2011-11-14 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source:
Business Club November 12th
Removal of the autumn and winter again。Everyone who went to the hospital to grab the temperature of Chinese medicine last year felt a significant rising cost,But this year is expected to be changed。
Chinese medicinal materials, which once soared continuously, has become a plunge,"Medicine, you suffering" also become "medicine you pay"。According to Xingye Securities (601377,Stocks) Statistics,The price of 19 mastake betting appstake betting appin Chinese medicinal materials and sugar they tracked in October this year,10 kinds of downshift,9 types of 9 circles are flat,Only one rise。The price in November of November, with the price of 550 yuan/ton in April last year, was only 300 yuan/ton; Prince Ginseng, which was 380 yuan/ton in April this year, is currently only 220 yuan/ton,The price has almost fell half。and other Chinese medicinal materials such as angelica、Codonopsis、Gold and Silver Flower、Poria, etc. also have declined to varying degrees。
5 this year、June in June,Many people still expect that Chinese herbal medicines can continue to rise,But the current market turns straight down,What causes the medication to plummet?
The price inflection point is now available
"The decline stake betting appstake betting appin Chinese medicinal materials is mainly the last two months,It is currently a price turning point。"Guo Fanli, a researcher at the pharmaceutical industry in China Investment Consultant, said in an interview with the First Financial Daily" Financial Business ",Originally autumn and winter is the peak season for Chinese medicinal materials,But the current price has turned to a plunge,But this time the price plunge is from the unreasonable to the return of rationality,It is expected to last until the beginning of next year。
"The price of Chinese medicinal materials before rose so outrageous,Mainly the speculation of tour money。"Analyst analyst of a certain securities firm pharmaceutical industry told reporters,It is currently tightened by Silver Gen,Fund liquidity is tight。"plus Wenzhou、Ordos (600295,Stock Bar) debt issues in other places,Many mobile funds quickly exit from the Chinese medicinal material market。”
The above -mentioned brokerage pharmaceutical analyst also pointed out,Drug price falls,Selling providers multi,Buyers less,Drug market has serious panic phenomenon。
"After the price of medicinal materials soared last year,The planting area of ​​drug farmers is continuously increased,Now the new drug is on the market,The phenomenon of insufficient supply has been relieved,Even a confession appeared。"Guo Fanli pointed out,plus the strike measures from the Development and Reform Commission,Check the company that has accumulated Chinese medicinal materials maliciously in various places,The market itself has already declined with the price of Chinese medicinal materials。
In July this year, the National Development and Reform Commission was transferred to some local price law enforcement officers formed a inspection team,Comprehensive inspection of more than 20 Chinese herbal materials storage warehouses in Longxi, Gansu。And 10 households including Zhejiang South Medicine Co., Ltd., which accumulated a party ginseng in December 2010,issued a warning of price administrative My stake betting appstake betting applaw enforcement,Order it before July 21, 2011,According to the price of no more than 60 yuan per kilogram,Selling more than 200,000 kilograms of Codonopsis stored to the Chinese medicine pharmaceutical enterprise that is a raw material for Codonopsis and obtains GMP certification。At the same time,Alert 44 households who have a Codonopsis since January 2011,Ordered it to sell more than 800,000 kilograms of Codonopsis stored to Codonopsis as raw materials and obtain GMP certification for GMP certification by December 31, 2011。If the overdue fails to sell and submit valid vouchers,Administrative penalties will be imposed in accordance with the law。
Guo Fanli pointed out,The investigation and punishment of the Development and Reform Commission will undoubtedly be squeezed by the hydraulic of the Chinese medicinal materials,Some pharmaceutical vendors even have panic selling。"But the possibility that the price fell completely to the previous level was not much,It may be slightly higher than last year。”
"How long does this plunge can be difficult to say。"The above -mentioned pharmaceutical industry analysts pointed out,The price of Chinese medicinal materials plummeted is actually unfavorable,Drug farmers with downstream planting Chinese medicinal materials will suffer great damage,Lost enthusiasm,Then the planting area of ​​Chinese medicinal materials may be reduced,This may occur after this way。"So it's better to be stable overall,May fall to a reasonable range。”
But relative to the wholesale market,At present, the price of the retail market of Chinese medicinal materials is not particularly obvious。Staff of a Chinese medicine store in Beijing told reporters,More than 200 Chinese medicinal materials currently on sale,The price has not changed much,Only part of the part has slightly lowered。It is understood,Pharmacy due to more inventory,The medicinal materials currently sold may still be purchased at the beginning of the year,So the retail market still has a certain lag relative to the wholesale market。
Zhongcheng Pharmaceutical Enterprise is good for pharmaceutical merchants losses
After the Chinese medicinal materials fall,,It is undoubtedly a good constituent for Chinese medicine companies。Because the medicine is related to people's livelihood,So the state has strict restrictions on drug prices,Even if the price increases,It is also impossible to compare with Chinese medicinal materials。In addition,Many proprietary Chinese medicines belong to the national basic drug directory,Enterprises can not increase the price casually。
"Since the proprietary Chinese pharmaceutical company has no pricing right,When the price of Chinese medicinal materials soared last year,Many companies discontinue production,Because production is equal to losses。"Guo Fanli pointed out,The current decline in the price of Chinese medicinal materials,It can alleviate the cost pressure of Chinese medicine companies。
From the annual report of the listed company,Tongrentang (600085,Stock Bar)、China Resources Sanjiu (000999,Stock Bar) and Jiuzhitang, the three companies, began to decline in gross profit margin in 2010,Tongrentang's gross profit margin in the first quarter of 2011 was 44.59%,42.51%from the fourth quarter of 2010,But in the third quarter of 2011 to 41.28%。China Resources Sanjiu's gross profit margin began to decline in the first quarter of 2010,In the second quarter of 2011, 59.43%,The third quarter of 2011 was 57.51%。Jiuzhitang's gross profit margin in the second quarter of 2011 was 52.28%,The third quarter was 52.55%。
"Relatively speaking,The benefits of traditional Chinese medicine companies are greater。"The above -mentioned pharmaceutical industry analysts pointed out,Traditional Chinese patent medicine companies raw materials account for greater cost factors,Affected by changes in the price of Chinese medicinal materials is even more obvious。
However, some Chinese patent medicine companies with more inventory may be affected by this round of plunge。"Enterprises with many inventory medicinal materials are actually stake betting appnot the largest。"Guo Fanli pointed stake betting appout,There will always be some inventory in pharmaceutical companies,Some inventory periods are even as high as 1 to 2 years。"In fact, the plunge in the price of Chinese medicinal materials on speculators and retail investors is greater,Personal losses may be more losses in the short term。”
Jia Haibin, deputy director of the Chinese Medicine Information Center of China Chinese Medicine Association, told this newspaper,According to their survey,At present, more than 70 % of the pharmaceutical vendors have suffered losses。"Basically ten or nine pharmacists loses,People who fry the medicinal materials are even more bad。In recent years, those who speculated Chinese medicine in recent years have first tasted sweetness during the rise in the price of Chinese medicinal materials,Invest more funds in,But now after the plunge, not only loses the money made before,I even put on my own funds,This psychology is like gambling。”