New version of the catalog variety selection principle shift
Release time: 2012-04-17 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source:
News Call,Adjusted new version of My stake betting appstake sports betting appthe base medicine directory may be landed in August,At present, there are more unified ideas in the basic direction,The principle of selection of directory varieties will be changed,Try to include drugs in the field of disease treatment,For example, children's dosage、Slow -disease medication or some rare disease medicines,The number of varieties is 500 up and down。
Is this a good expectation?。but,The specific methods and execution ideas of the adjustment of basic medicine,Still discussed on various meetings and forums。Controversy is essentially a comprehensive discussion of the evaluation of health and cost effects,What is the actual need for the base medicine,and the determination of the responsible party for the reimbursement of the base medicine。This will become a key factor that affects the effectiveness of the basic medicine in the next 3 years。
At the same time,In a meeting and investigation held by the relevant ministries and commissions,Corporate people smell the bidding of basic medicines "low prices are taken".,Quality points are expected to truly become the key to winning the bid,But the news has not been officially confirmed。
Extension direction
No doubt,The adjustment of My stake betting appstake sports betting appthe base medicine directory is imperative,"Policy Wind" has been blowing for a long time,But I haven't seen the ground。
But according to the reporter's understanding,The current number of basic medicine directory products should be set in the right question,Disputes at the discussion held by various ministries or institutions are still fiercely controversial。
According to the execution principle of the 2009 version of the patent catalog,Differences in the local area due to the level of medication,Policy allows the provincial authorities to supplement the variety in addition to 307。The country's original intention is to ensure the basic medication of the masses,Meet medical specific needs in different regions。
Therefore,Added the Catalog variety release,The number of catalogs in each province basically rushed to 600 up and down,For example, 206 kinds of supplements in Shandong,Guangdong added 260 kinds,Shaanxi added 191 species,and Beijing and Shanghai added 212 and 381 species。
According to the thinking of various places,A large number of varieties in the 307 directory are not suitable for the use of grassroots hospitals in the province,and some diseases are not satisfied。These phenomena are also the main reason why the industry believes that the current 307 variety directory needs to be expanded。
But there are different opinions,I believe that the basic medicine system itself is not to solve all the drug use problems,but to ensure the basic medication of the masses。For example,and do not agree with the large -scale extension of basic medicines。
and the reporter also learned,In the process of additional supplements,Selection of supplement varieties and local protection phenomena in varying degrees in the bidding of drugs,Make the equalization of the base medicine cannot be achieved,Competitive order in the product market of basic drug products is difficult to maintain。
The most important thing is,Large -scale variety supplement,greatly weakened the original intention of the national 307 variety catalog,Local supplementary products have become the stake betting appstake online sports bettingmost popular varieties。Relatively speaking,The prices of these varieties are often much higher than the variety in the 307 directory。This directly increases the total amount of the government's payment。
Controversy for the increase or decrease of the number of varieties,Reported by relevant experts,The opinions of all parties are also gradually unified,and get the approval of officials from relevant ministries and commissions。It is reported,The state considers the first change of the selection principle of the catalog,On the original basis,Try to include drugs in the field of disease treatment,For example, children's dosage、Slow -disease medication or some rare disease medicines。
In terms of the number of varieties,Discussion of multiple meetings,After the catalog is rarely used in the original 307 varieties,,Based on the field of disease treatment,Select different varieties,The number of varieties recognized uniformly is 500 up and down。But for the above information,The reporter did not get the official official confirmation。
The cost responsibility mechanism is still to be formed
Adjustment of the number of catalog varieties,Disputes caused by the consuming mechanism for the consumption of base drugs。
According to the current basic medicine execution system,The reimbursement of basic medicines shall be responsible for a larger part of the local government,Local governments include provinces、City and even county -level finance。
Obviously,The more varieties of the category of the province,The greater the cost to pay for the place。For example, after Shanghai added 381 varieties,During the bidding process, even if a foreign -funded joint venture has won a lot of bids,But due to the strong financial strength of the government,The usage rate of Shanghai Basic Medicine in community hospitals exceeds 95%。
The embarrassment is now,More local cities and counties' fiscal payment capacity or attach importance to far from reaching the level of Shanghai。Under zero difference,Unbalanced revenue and expenditure in various places,The enthusiasm of the grassroots hospitals and doctors is not high,The level of diagnosis and treatment is difficult to improve,stake online sports bettingstake sports betting appOutpatient volume decreased sharply,The crowd of the clinic is embracing the big hospital。This obviously violates the original intention of the implementation of the basic medicine policy。
This is a pair of contradictions currently existed,Solve the payment ratio of the reimbursement expenses of basic medicines,It is also the key to the next step of the basic medicine system to achieve good results。Especially the current Ministry of Health intends to put some tumor drugs、Diabetic drugs and cardiovascular drugs such as chronic diseases and other chronic diseases are included in the directory,Adjustment of this base medicine directory needs to consider the actual payment ability of medical insurance funds。
It is reported,Solve the problems existing in the implementation of the above base medicine,The common method in various places is to make overall management of Xinnonghe and urban residents' medical insurance and basic medicines,But there are execution disorders in related rules。Although the country is currently exploring the reform of payment methods,But this takes a longer test。and purchased from the country uniformly,Free use,It is difficult to reach a consensus in all aspects。
A senior person in the industry thinks,The "Twelfth Five -Year Plan" implementation plan issued before,Further clarifying the reimbursement cost of the base medicine in various places,I have set the tone for future costs,That is, the reimbursement of basic medicines in each province will still be responsible for local finances。
So,The current problems in local finances If you fail to get a good solution,Is the execution effectiveness after the directory adjustment faces challenges?
Tendering or steering
Another good news is,Relevant experts and companies think,Bidding for the "low price is to take" the principle of "low price is to take" may be changed。
According to the reporter's understanding,April 12,A survey team composed of relevant departments conducted research in Jiangxi Province,The main content includes a way to understand the "low price is to take" the bidding of drugs currently Stake Sports Bettingincluded in basic drugs。
Jiangxi Provincial Company Reporters told reporters,This shows that the bidding of the drug has received the attention of the country,The idea of ​​bidding for drugs may change,Especially the variety in the base of the base medicine。
Analysis of the above -mentioned business person,The change of bidding ideas has already been traced to follow,Including the current drug cost survey and factory price survey of drug costs in the country,It is likely to take the task of the relevant information of the base drug species,and the country's recent multiple documents,Repeated emphasis on the importance of drug quality。
"And the relevant officials proposed the concept of 'standard cost',This is likely to be a unified price for future related varieties,or measure whether the product is winning in accordance with the comprehensive evaluation system of quality,Fit and pave the way before implementation。"The business person said。(Author: Yang Junjian)