Pharmaceutical government pricing will be canceled and is still limited by medical insurance and bidding
Release time: 2014-12-17 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Anonymous
Pharmaceutical Network December 8th Pharmaceutical Government Price of Pharmaceutical Government for nearly 20 years,Or will end New Year's Day in 2015。Although the government intends to guide the actual transaction price of drugs formed by market competition,But after canceling the pricing of the drug government,Drug prices will still be constrained by medical insurance control and bidding.,At the same time,Medical institutions may add it as a price negotiator。
& ldquo; Cancel & rdquo; pricing
& ldquo; No accident,The final plan is expected to come out in December,But the content should not be changed greatly。& rdquo; Niu Zhenggan, vice chairman of the China Medical Enterprise Management Association, told new financial reporters。
According to the National Development and Reform Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Development and Reform Commission) on November 25th (hereinafter referred to as the Development and Reform Commission) to the pharmaceutical industry related associations, "Promoting Drug Price Reform Plan (Draft for Opinions)" (hereinafter referred to as a draft for comments),Property price of the drug government to cancel,Cancel the government's highest retail price limit or factory price,Purchasing through medical insurance control fees and bidding,The actual transaction price of the drug is formed by the market competition,It is intended to implement it from January 1, 2015。
Wang Ao, Secretary -General of the China Anti -prescription Drug Association, said,The draft of soliciting opinions mainly involves more than 2,700 medical insurance drugs; non -medical insurance medicine itself belongs to the market price。
& ldquo; According to the current system,It is declared by an enterprise、The highest retail price limit of drugs will be reviewed and formulated by the Development and Reform Commission,It is a limit on the retail price of the drug at the terminal,This is the restriction that this time is canceled。& rdquo; Sales director of a pharmaceutical company told the new financial reporter,But usually,The price of the drug has been lowered in the bidding and procurement link,Is lower than the highest retail price limit,Equivalent to the highest retail price limit is the same,In other words,At present, the decisive role in the retail price of drugs is the bidding procurement mechanism,instead of the highest retail price limit of the Development and Reform Commission。
& ldquo; Although the actual role of the highest retail price limit is not particularly large,But after all, let go of government pricing,Introduction to the market mechanism,Is a good starting point,This direction is worth encouraging。& rdquo; Wang Ao frankly。
Stake Sports BettingAccording stake betting appto the person in charge of a pharmaceutical company,In the institutional environment of the pharmaceutical government's pricing,Some companies in order to increase the profit space of the medicine,often go to work for the Development and Reform Commission,For example, medicines with the same raw material ingredients,Increases its maximum retail price by changing dosage forms and other methods。The person in charge thinks,After canceling this system,& ldquo; This situation will be rare & rdquo;。
Public information display,Pharmaceutical government pricing began in 1996 "Interim Measures for the Management of Drug Price Management",I have previously experienced a short market regulation stage。After entering administrative control in 1996,2000、2006、In 2009 and 2010, it has been supplemented and adjusted in pharmaceutical price management。
& ldquo; From the initial management of the factory price of the drug to restrict the retail price,Until now, it is mainly based on formulating the highest retail price limit,Although it has been controlled,But the trend is gradually relaxing。& rdquo; Wang Ao told the new financial reporter,Actually as early as last year,The Development and Reform Commission is discussing the plan to cancel the highest retail price limit of drugs,But I have recently issued a draft for comments。
Feedback is different
Under the current system,The formation of drug prices must go through two levels: the highest retail price set by the Development and Reform Commission、The highest bidding limit set by the province's bidding procurement management agency。Where,The highest bidding limit is generally determined by the average bid price or minimum winning price of bidding procurement in bidding procurement management in some provinces。
That is to say,Even if you cancel this level of the Development and Reform Commission,The formation of drug prices is also limited by bidding and procurement。This is one of the most worried issues that pharmaceutical companies are now。
Many people in the medical industry said,Drugs can enter local hospitals for sale,Drug prices are based on the results of the latest bidding,& ldquo; But,Some provinces only bid once every few years,equal to the price of drugs without fluctuations within a few years,How can this reflect market regulation? & rdquo;
Some opinions in the industry think,Although a level is reduced,But there is no essential reduction in administrative participation,Drug price reform is not fully liberalized。The above -mentioned sales director gives an example,Assume that the highest retail price of a drug is 100 yuan,The highest bid limit for the bidding and procurement link is 90 yuan,The bid price can only be equal to or below 90 yuan; but even if the highest retail price is no longer set,Its bid price cannot be higher than 90 yuan,It is still subject to the highest bid limit limit。
and the medical insurance payment price managed by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security is determined based on the bidding price,The industry generally understands that this reform is transferred to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs from the Development and Reform Commission,It has become a constraint on drug prices from medical insurance payment or medical insurance reimbursement standards。
Analysis of the above sales director,Draft according to the solicitation comments,Enterprises can increase the retail price of drugs,But the question is,Under the premise of the unchanged My stake betting appprice stake sports betting appof medical insurance,The part of the expenses beyond the scope of medical insurance,Consumers are unwilling to pay,plus competition for similar drugs,Enterprise faces the problem of decline in sales,So,Enterprises are likely to choose the retail price of the medical insurance payment price as a drug。So,The determination of the payment price of medical insurance is particularly important。
Niu Zhenggan said,At present, different regions of different regions have different ways to pay for medical insurance payments,For example,Sanming City, Fujian Province is based on the lowest bid price of similar varieties as medical insurance payments; Chongqing is based on the average bid price of similar varieties as medical insurance payment。& ldquo; As for the idea of ​​payment of medical insurance at the national level,From the information disclosed by the current official,Not officially determined yet。& rdquo;
Disputes of bargaining
The secondary bargaining of the medical institution that is often banned in the past may break through in this reform。Soliciting opinion draft proposal,Establish a mechanism for saving procurement costs to return to the hospital,Promoting the active low purchase price of medical institutions,Guide market prices reasonably formed。
& ldquo; This sentence implies that the hospital can negotiate a secondary price,The balance generated by the secondary bargaining hospital。& rdquo; Zhuang Yiqiang, deputy secretary general of the Chinese Hospital Association, said,Currently from manufacturers to commercial companies to hospitals,Drugs have a relatively large profit space in this circulation link,This part of the space is often the source of corruption and breeding,For example, the company's rebate for doctors is generated from here。
Related data display,In various channels of medical circulation,The sum of the proportion of hospitals and grass -roots medical institutions at all levels is close to 80%,It can be described as a pharmaceutical company & ldquo; Jiao Feng & rdquo; & ldquo; main battlefield & rdquo;。
& ldquo; At present, a considerable number of hospitals are secretly asking for corporate cash rebates,After the right to the hospital's negotiation price this time,The cost of the return point can be turned into a compliant way to display it on the book。& rdquo;,But this seems to contradict the zero -difference price mechanism trial of some medical institutions。Drug zero price refers to the drug when the medical institution sells the drugs in the basic drug catalog of the country,Cancel drug bonus,Sell to consumers at the purchase price。& ldquo; The zero price of drugs is the money that the hospital does not earn medicines,And this reform means that the interest chain of the hospital and medicine has strengthened。& rdquo;
For this,Wang Ao thinks,About the incentive mechanism of the hospital,The enthusiasm of the hospital needs to be driven,But is it directly linked to the purchase price of the medicine,How to execute,Also to be questioned。& ldquo; The country is implementing public hospital reform,Medical separation,At this time, if you re -involve the benefits of the medicine and the hospital,Not very proper。& rdquo;
But from another perspective,The above sales director said,At least the hospital is allowed to negotiate after the second bargain,It can compress the current illegal space that is currently sold in gold,It will also be safer to doctors and medical representatives。
Zhuang Yiqiang also said,Establishing a hospital'stake online sports bettings stake sports betting appdrug price compensation mechanism,helps mobilize the enthusiasm of the hospital to lower the procurement price,Increase the hospital's income but does not increase the burden on consumers,At the same time, it will reduce corruption。& ldquo; In the case where the current pattern is not changed,This is a temporary method。& rdquo;
Pharmaceutical price reform & Ne; drug price rising
Interview with Niu Zhengqian, Vice President of the China Pharmaceutical Enterprise Management Association
Reporter: Including your China Medical Enterprise Management Association and other related associations, I got the solicitation draft on November 25,But according to requirements,Each association needs to feedback before November 27,It is intended to implement the reform plan from January 1, 2015。Will this be a bit hasty?
Niu Zhengqian: Reform of the Development and Reform Commission on the reform of drug prices,It should be said that a certain consensus was formed before and after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of 2013,and now the end of 2014,It has been discussed for a long time,This solution itself is not hasty。But now this solicitation draft is only out,It feels more urgent to give everyone,But this does not mean that it is not feasible,It is also possible to gradually improve it in the process of reform.。After all, market allocation resources are better than power allocation resources。
Reporter: Is the current consultation draft consistent with the reform ideas of previous discussions?
Niu Zhengqian: There is a difference。The reform ideas of previous research are mainly based on the benchmark price management mode,The benchmark price of the drug was confirmed by the Development and Reform Commission (including the purchase of medical institutions、Consumer purchase、Reference benchmark for medical insurance payment),Let go of the retail price control at the same time,But now it has become a constraint on the payment stake sports betting appof medical insurance,The right to bid for the payment of medical insurance payment belongs to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs,This is a relatively large difference。But regardless of the benchmark or medical insurance payment price,Its constraints are similar,Give play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of drug resources,Just the departments that have been confirmed by the price have changed。
Reporter: Cancel the price of the drug government,Does it mean drug price increases?
Niu Zhengqian: Laying drug price control does not represent the price of drugs,But it does not rule out the possibility of a small amount of drug price increases,This is determined by market competition。But I believe that after letting go of the control,Through some new restraint mechanisms,More medicines will reduce the price,Especially high -priced varieties that have been preferentially treated by policy,Consumers feel that the price of medicines is expensive.。When the number of drug reductions and the proportion of price reductions is much higher than the price increase drug,Consumers are beneficial。
Reporter: Consumers have benefited,In addition to the comments draft, the right to second bargaining the hospital,Is the profit margin of pharmaceutical companies compressed?
Niu Zhenggan: On the surface,but not necessarily essentially。Now there is no right to negotiate in the hospital,There are many secrets in the hospital that secretly rebate the hospital & ldquo; hidden buckle & rdquo; phenomenon,This phenomenon is common in many areas。
For example,Assume that the bid price of a drug is 100 yuan,Although the hospital is not allowed to negotiate a second bargain,But the hospital still gets 10%or even stake betting appstake sports betting app20%from pharmaceutical companies,This rebate is not reflected in the price reduction of drugs,It is a secret illegal & ldquo; hidden buckle & rdquo; and once the hospital can negotiate a second bargain,Direct price reduction 10%or 20%,This is the legal & ldquo; discount & rdquo;。
So,This may not necessarily reduce the profit space of pharmaceutical companies,Instead, the original hidden rules such as the original dark rebate have become a clear rule。And,It also reduces the troubles such as the negative and financial treatment of pharmaceutical companies and financial treatment。
Reporter: Can such a hidden rules similar to this dark rebate be completely avoided?
Niu Zhengqian: There are two types of dark rebate: one is to return to the hospital,The account of the public public in the hospital; the other is a rebate,Give your doctor personal。After the second bargaining of the hospital,& ldquo; Dark buckle & rdquo; convert to & ldquo; discount & rdquo;,Become a hospital compliance book profit,Back to the hospital should be reduced a lot or does not exist,But the rebate given to the doctor may still be available。The restriction of the doctor's rebate,Reform of payment of payment by medical insurance,To change the hospital's incentive and restraint mechanism for doctors。
Reporter: In the current drug price mechanism,What are the unreasonable places? Has it improved in the draft of this comments?
Niu Zhengqian: In 2006, "Opinions on Further Rectification of Drugs and Medical Service Market Price Order",Drugs sold by medical institutions above the county and county,Based on the actual purchase price,Sales price at a price increase at a price of no more than 15%of Shunga。This will bring some problems,The hospital is more willing to use expensive ones without cheap。
For example, a box of medicine for 1 yuan purchased,The hospital sells 2.5 yuan to earn 1.5 yuan,The price increase rate is 150%; but after this regulation in 2006,If the hospital wants to earn 1.5 yuan for a box of medicine,Purchasing price is 10 yuan,Sell to 11.5 yuan。That is,Limited by 15%increase rate,The hospital wants to earn the same money from a box of medicine,You have to purchase more expensive medicines。