Alibaba Health Cloud Hospital is online looking forward to creating a personal platform for Chinese doctors
Release time: 2015-04-03 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Anonymous
    April 1,Alibaba Cloud Hospital officially launched,Di'an, a listed company with diagnostic service outsourcing as its core business, also immediately announced that cooperation with Alibaba Cloud Hospital。Ali Healthy Cloud Hospital stake sports betting appis stake betting appextending an olive branch to 180,000 clinics,Looking forward to changing the dilemma of having a horsemanca & rdquo;。At the same time, according to Ali Health CEO Wang Yaqing's expectations,Cloud Hospital also hopes to set up an entrance for doctors' multiple points,& ldquo; Yun Hospital platform hopes to help Chinese doctors establish a personal platform,instead of a doctor who works for medical institutions & rdquo;。
Alibaba Healthy Cloud Hospital Platform is called & ldquo;,It is positioned as & ldquo; integrated medical all system、Full Chain Resources,Network platforms that provide all -round medical services。& rdquo;
The scope of the business includes a doctor、Medical Institution、Patients、Medical Insurance、Health Management、Cloud Pharmacy、Check and inspection and other series of links,While vigorously attracting grassroots medical institutions,It is also developing the cooperation of the second and third medical institutions,Build a referral platform between hierarchical medical institutions。
According to its platform introduction,Users can find experts who cover Stake Sports Bettingall stake sports betting appdepartments,Online and offline combined with one -stop to complete the entire medical process。and the doctor can also be in & ldquo; Yidai Valley & rdquo;,Through professional and high -quality diagnosis and treatment services,Get praise from patients,Improve self -value。Platform and physical agency open,Support doctors more practice。
Wang Yaqing said,Cloud Hospital Platform hopes to help Chinese doctors establish a personal platform,instead of a doctor who works for medical institutions,They are some doctors who provide professional medical services in a certain field。Doctors can work on the platform anytime, anywhere,Manage the patient group。
In the cooperative medical structure,Many hospitals are online。Recent,Alibaba Health in Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta region is the largest public children's maternal maternal and children's medical institution & ldquo; Guangzhou Women's Children's Medical Center & RDQUO;,The hospital has access to Ali's healthy cloud HIS system。Earlier,Ali Health realizes strategic cooperation with the Beijing Military Region General Hospital in Beijing。
stake sports betting stake sports betting appappAli Health insiders reveal to reporters,It will promote the development of the Ali Healthy Cloud Hospital Platform with more market -oriented services,Alibaba Health will fully work this year to attract more clinics (outpatient) to settle in the Ali Health Cloud Platform。
& ldquo; Patients see a doctor on the platform of Yun Hospital,Doctor open orders online,Patients pick up blood at the designated place,Di'an Logistics sample and send it to offline laboratory,and report to doctors and patients with a network transmission report,Realize online and offline integration services。& rdquo; Xu Min, CEO of Di'an Diagnostic Executive。
But Wang Yaqing also thinks,Mobile Internet medical care is actually in a relatively primary stage,He admires the efforts of the pioneers of industries such as Lilac,But there are still many barriers to the industry,Development is still rugged,He also hopes to be able to promote the development of the entire market with all Internet medical participants。