Sugar Pill vaccine retirement can be new free vaccine experts, no job is recommended to push after vaccination
Release time: 2016-07-18 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Anonymous
  According to the Voice of China "News Evening Peak" report,Sugar pills that prevent pediatric paralysis have been & ldquo; retired & rdquo;,But the new free vaccine that is connected has not yet & ldquo;。
  Reporter discovered,Now the alternative injection of more than 170 yuan per pins is also & ldquo; out of stock & rdquo;。Many parents are worried: Can we only get a five -united vaccine of 798 My stake betting appyuan stake betting appper pin? future,Will the child postpone the postponement of will be affected?
  After the baby is born,Many vaccines are vaccinated,and the most popular,No more than sugar pills。Mr. Li, a resident of Zhengzhou recently reported to reporters,My grandson is 4 months old,According to the vaccination requirements, the oral spine toxic reduction vaccine,Going to the community service center to take over but was told that the vaccine was gone。
  Mr. Li said he took his child to eat sugar pills,The hospital said it is gone,Let the next time I come again。For the past two months,Many parents have taken their children to get inoculated and get this answer,Many parents have questions: Does the sugar pills that have served generations really have to withdraw from the historical stage? This,The staff of many hospitals and community service centers in Zhengzhou said,Free oral spine reduction vaccine,That is & ldquo; Sugar Pills & RDQUO;,Due to the large demand for alternative injections,This month's 174 yuan per pins, the ipv IPV is also used up,​​At present, only 798 yuan of five -united vaccines are left in many hospitals。
  Zhang Yanhuan, director of the Immunization Planning Institute of Henan Provincial Disease Control and Prevention Center, told reporters,Stake Sports BettingCurrent,stake betting appmy country is in & ldquo; ridge vaccine & rdquo; immune strategy conversion period,Not just Zhengzhou,After May 1,The national spine drug reduction vaccine currently stops supply,The reason is that one of the viruses is eliminated globally,The corresponding vaccine does not need to exist,You need to adjust the vaccine structure。So,The sugar pill in everyone's memory,It will be gone forever。
  Zhang Yanyu Explanation,& ldquo;,Among them, this type 2 has been eliminated worldwide,There is no need to leave this type 2 virus in our vaccine,So the original three types were changed to a two -price vaccine。& rdquo;
  In addition to removing type 2 virus,This time & ldquo; ridge vaccine & rdquo; immune strategy conversion,Also allows more children to inoculate to the vaccine。
  Zhang Yanyu pointed out,The first dose was originally a poisoning live vaccine,Now is an active vaccine。For example, these children with immune defects cannot be vaccinated with drug reduction vaccines,If it is changed to an active vaccine,More people can cover it to。
  So,When can the transformed spine vaccine reach each vaccination point? Introduction to Zhang Yanhuan,Due to currently only two domestic companies produce binary drops of spine vaccine,Free new vaccine production stake betting appStake Sports Bettingspeed can not keep up。As a result, many places cannot be vaccinated in time。Another,Free first vaccine is purchased by the government unified bidding,Current,Henan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission has submitted a report to the Henan Provincial Government,It is to speed up the bidding procurement process,Preservation of the supply of vaccines as soon as possible。
  Every child needs to eat 4 sugar pills after birth,Two months after birth、Three months、Eat once in four months and the four -year -old,So,Will children postpone the inoculation? It is understood,At present, my country has achieved the goal of & ldquo;,Polid Cordylite is a disease spreading by digestive tract,It is not so easy to spread,In the short term, it will not cause a significant impact,In addition,my country has no spine,Vaccine is just to prevent input risks。
  Zhang Yanyu Tips,Vaccine vaccination,Often cannot be advanced,but can be pushed back。Like a child, a child has a fever and a cold,Can't inoculate the vaccine,Delayed back,Also normal。For the ash vaccine,Push a little back, there is no problem,No problem with free vaccine,If you don’t want to wait,You can vaccinate the second vaccine yourself。