The lack of adverse reactions of Chinese pharmaceutical companies is reported to be worried about affecting drug sales
Release time: 2016-07-19 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Anonymous
  July 13,The State Food and Drug Administration issued the "Annual Report on the Monitor of the National Drug Adverse Reactions (2015)"。2015,National Pharmaceutical Adverse Reactions Monitoring Network Report 1.398 million copies of drug adverse reactions,increased 5.3%from 2014。Where,New and severe drug adverse reactions report 393,000 copies,accounting for 28.2%of the total number of reports in the same period。
  Drug adverse reactions (Adverse Drug Reaction,Abbreviation ADR) is the effect that patients produced by patients when using a certain drug treatment disease,And this role is generally not good for the treatment of patients。
  The results showed antibacterial drugs、Varicose infusion and unreasonable medication problem of unreasonable medication。
  In the 2015 Chemical Adverse Reactions/Event Report,The proportion of injection is 62.9%; in the adverse reaction/event My stake betting appstake online sports bettingreport of traditional Chinese medicine,The proportion of injections is 51.3%; and the administration path of severe drug adverse reactions is mainly intravenous injection,accounting for more than 70%。
  Analysis of the Monitoring Data Analysis of National Pharmaceutical Adverse Reactions,The adverse reactions of some Chinese medicine injections are mainly derived from grass -roots medical and health institutions。The adverse reactions of the injection are mainly allergic and allergic reactions,Severe allergic reactions such as allergic shock may occur in some cases,Need urgent treatment。The treatment equipment of the grass -roots medical and health institutions、Facilities are relatively limited,The medical staff's experience and ability are relatively lacking,Affects the effect of rescue and prognosis,The infusion risk of grass -roots medical institutions is worthy of attention。
  Most medical institutions in China have outpatient infusion,Outpatient infusion has almost become a medical habit of Chinese people,For a long time, people have formed & ldquo; good infusion、Wrong understanding and medical habits of infusion fast & rdquo;。
   & ldquo; If you need to follow the medicine, you do n’t need it.,It can not be used less if it can be used less;,Principles of Energy muscle injection without infusion & rdquo; Relevant person in charge of the General Administration of Food and Drug said,Intravenous infusion is high risk、High -benefit clinical medication method,Quick results,Easy to adjust dosage and speed,The drug concentration required for the treatment can be kept constant。If it can be used reasonably,Clinical benefits of intravenous infusion are greater than risk;,The risk of intravenous infusion increased significantly,stake sports betting appMy stake betting appIt may even exceed clinical benefits,Bring unnecessary risks and economic losses to patients。
  Chinese enterprises basically do not report
  Due to the special characteristics of the medicine,Research before listing is very limited,You need to find its inherent risk through a wide range of clinical applications。So,By strengthening the report and monitoring of adverse drug reactions,Timely discover the potential risk of drugs,Evaluate its risk -effective ratio,Constantly improving the safety information of medicines,Protecting the public for the public。
  The most famous adverse reaction in history is & ldquo;,In the 1950s, Germany developed a new medicine Salidamine for alleviating pregnancy reactions,Also known as & ldquo; reaction stop & rdquo;,It has caused more than 12,000 fetuses in more than 20 countries in Europe and Japan to lack hands and abnormality,It also causes 1,300 people to suffer from multiple neuritis。1961 & ldquo; reaction stop & rdquo; disabled。Due to the complex and strict new drug declaration procedures of the FDA,The medicine was not allowed to be listed in the United States until 1961,Make countless families in the United States from suffering from harm。& ldquo; Reaction stop & rdquo; After the incident, countries around the world have developed strict drug adverse reactions,such as British & ldquo; yellow pages system & rdquo;,These application systems have collected important basic data for safe medication。
  Actually,Enterprises should become the main body of adverse reactions。But the regrettable is,More than 80 % of our country's adverse reactions are still mainly reported by medical institutions,Drug production enterprise report only accounts for 1.4%,The report of the business enterprise accounts stake betting appStake Sports Bettingfor 16%、Reports from individuals and other sources account for 0.4%。
  Southern Weekend reporters see on the nervous system drug manual of an American company,The symptoms of adverse reactions and related diseases after the drug were listed,On the generic drug instructions produced by the drug of the drug,Short content,No adverse reaction report after listing。
  It is understood,In the Chinese Pharmaceutical Manual,Drug safety -related & ldquo; bad response & rdquo;、& ldquo; Note & rdquo;、& ldquo; Taboo testing & rdquo; the absence rate of three contents is as high as 95%;,Some use & ldquo; Note & rdquo; instead & ldquo; bad reaction & rdquo;,Some use & ldquo; contraindication & rdquo; instead & ldquo; bad reaction & rdquo;,Some say & ldquo; There are few adverse reactions in this product & rdquo; or & ldquo;。In terms of the incidence and severity of adverse reactions, it is even more words。
  90%of the drug adverse reactions in the United States comes from pharmaceutical companies。They have special institutions and personnel to collect adverse reaction cases。Once the drug is found to have an accidental harmful response,It will take effective measures。European and American companies actively report to adverse reactions,The reason is that foreign reaction reporting system for adverse reactions to pharmaceutical companies abroad。This system not only clearly clarifies that the company is the main body of the report,It also stipulates the punishment of refusal to report to the enterprise,such as a warning letter、Forbidden order、News、Prosecution, etc.。
  & ldquo;,Basically belongs to no。The reasons are very complicated,The current pharmaceutical sales system does not bind to the adverse reaction report,Many companies Stake Sports Bettingare even worried that stake betting apponce you report to ADR,It will affect the sales of this type of medicine。In addition to the collection of adverse reactions, it also requires cost。& rdquo; an expert in a clinical drug research expert told the southern weekend reporter。
  This is also closely related to the lack of laws in my country。Although my country released and implemented the "Measures for the Advance Report and Monitoring and Management Measures",But how the company establishes a sound & ldquo; Drug adverse reaction report and monitoring management system & rdquo; there is no clear operation guide。