Prescription drug retail air outlet has arrived,What barriers do you need to break through the wind?
Release time: 2016-08-12 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Anonymous
  Recently,The Zhejiang Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Pharmacy for Public Hospitals",officially reduced the pharmacy of the public hospital & ldquo; Pharmaceutical ratio & rdquo;。This notification not only formally requires public hospitals to clarify management responsibilities、Strengthen financial supervision,The most important of which is & ldquo; supervision pharmaceutical service & rdquo;,& ldquo;,Buy medicine at a self -run pharmacy,Interture in the hospital & lsquo; Pharmaceutical ratio & rsquo; assessment。& rdquo;
  Zhejiang Rectification Hospital's self -run pharmacy released a signal of prescription outflow,Plus recent news for the pilot of Guizhong Pharmacy in Liuzhou City, Guangxi,One time,One stone stirred thousands of waves,Pharmacy insiders have said that they have seen the dawn of retail pharmacies to undertake the hospital's prescription,But some people still have doubts,& ldquo; Even if the pharmacy gets the prescription list,Can these medicines be bought in a social pharmacy? & rdquo; & ldquo; retail pharmacies really have this strength to divide the prescription market & lsquo; cake & rsquo;?
  Prescription outflow, Shuguang rises in Liuzhou
  Well -known,Public hospital self -run pharmacy is very common。In the policy of new medical reform regulations, the proportion of public hospital drugs stake betting appin 2017 stake sports betting appfell to less than 30%,Public hospitals have to consider splitting the hospital's prescription drugs to pharmacies。Self -run pharmacy is within the scope of hospital management and control,The so -called & ldquo; Fat and water does not flow outsiders field & rdquo;,So,Self -run pharmacy becomes the first choice for hospital diversion。Even if the policy has already encouraged the hospital's prescription outflow,But social pharmacies are still difficult to divide this 100 billion -level prescription drug market。
  Liu Guichun, vice chairman of the Guangdong Medical Retail Industry Association, publicly said,Under the promotion of national policy,The power of the hospital reserved prescription is weakened,But there are still various complex interests,So,Prescription outflow is implemented in a certain difficulty,At most, only & ldquo; semi -outflow & rdquo;。At the same time, he thinks,Under the case of prescription drugs,,The more likely way to implement is the cooperation between hospitals and some pharmacies,Carry out the hospital hosted by the hospital,Or establish point -to -point cooperation with social pharmacies。
  And just a few days ago,5 major hospitals in Liuzhou City, Guangxi officially complete the docking with the large pharmacy of Guizhong -China,Through a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment platform,Achieved in the hospital to take medicine to the social pharmacy。Current,Oral medication becomes the first batch of pilot categories。Liuzhou City participated in the New Rural Cooperative insured,After seeing a doctor at the designated hospital of Xinnonghe,Volunteers can be voluntarily selected to take medicine at the outpatient medical institution at this designated point or use the prescription (including electronic prescription) to take the medicine for new agricultural medical services to take medicine for the outpatient pharmaceutical service。
  Liuzhou's out -of -hospital sales sales policy is regarded as hope by many industries,With a pilot,I have experience to follow,Social pharmacy seems to have touched the huge & ldquo; cake & rdquo;。
  Don't be too happy, a lot of problems to solve the pharmacy
  Although the policy wind direction is good,Social pharmacies will usher in the major benefit of stake betting appthe sales My stake betting appof prescription drugs?
   & ldquo; Prescription outflow is an inevitable trend,But even in the hospital's pharmacy, it is controlled by controlling drugs today,Retail pharmacy is still impossible to wait & lsquo; spring & rsquo;。The pharmacy wants to really do it with the prescription market,The road is still very long。& rdquo; The answer given by Gao Pu, the chief consultant of Beijing Dexinglong Pharmaceutical Management Consulting Company, is negative。
  Senior pharmaceutical industry people point Canghe for saying,& ldquo; Pharmacy has always been willing to undertake the prescription drug market,But pharmacies and hospitals are two completely different pharmaceutical supply channels,Many medicines are the hospital's bidding and procurement,Not circulating in the retail market。The actual situation is,Patients can go to the pharmacy outside the prescription, but they can't buy medicine at all。This is the crux of the problem。& rdquo;
  Zhu Hualin, Chairman of Huai'an Guangji Pharmaceutical Chain Co., Ltd. also explicitly expressed,For a long time for a long time,Although stake betting appthe sales of prescription drugs for Guangji chain are very good,but never get the supply of pharmaceutical companies。
  Dested,On the issue of the drug sales of pharmacies,Although pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies have significant consensus,But the difference is also obvious。The key lies in profit issues。One aspect,Pharmaceutical drug products are good for sales,Can attract passenger flow for pharmacies,But on the other hand,The gross profit margin of this product is extremely low,Even due to the impact of the zero difference rate, it has to be sold at a loss,So,When the pharmacy cooperates with prescription drug companies,often requires reasonable profit margins。
  & ldquo; In the final analysis,Prescription outflow should be a collaborative mode,In this mode,Hospital、Pharmaceutical company、Pharmacy and consumers are in the same closed loop,It should be opened to each other,Tongli cooperation。But currently,Consumers are unbelievable、Pharmaceutical companies do not support、Pharmacy is unprofessional、Consumers are unbelievable,Any link dropped the chain,This closed loop cannot be completed。& rdquo; Summary of a chain executive to reporters。
  Pharmaceutical stores stake betting appstake sports betting appare used to access the prescription market, improving professional power is still the key
  Li Congxuan, general manager of the OTC business department of Kangmei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,The biggest problem of prescription outflow is not that the prescription cannot flow,but whether the pharmacy is sufficiently professional,Makes that pharmaceutical companies and patients can generate trust。Prescription outflow is the general trend,Even if some new special medicines now go to the hospital channel because of the beginning,Therefore, unwilling to let go of the pharmacy,But with the advancement of medicine,Pharmaceutical companies must re -examine and pay attention to retail pharmacy channels。
   & ldquo; Of course,The premise of all this is,Retail pharmacy channel proves that it has sufficient value for prescription pharmaceutical companies。& rdquo; Li Congxuan pointed out,Pharmaceutical drug sales have made higher requirements for professional standards for pharmacies。& ldquo; The role of a practicing pharmacist will become more critical,Not only must you be proficient in the toxic side of the prescription medicine,Make the correct guidance of medication for the patient,More comprehensive health guidance experts for patients。& rdquo;
   & ldquo; Many pharmacies are pursuing high hair and phased profits,From this blindfolding the vision of long -term planning。The common people's pharmacy uses the opportunity to find prescription drugs with the help of Internet hospitals,is the attempt that forward -looking enterprises should do。& rdquo;,Pharmacy can be specialized through the starting point and interface of slow disease management。For example,Jiuzhou Pharmaceutical Chain has tried a year of chronic disease management service,The average unit price of customers receiving chronic disease management services has exceeded 300 yuan,and the unit price of ordinary members is 100 yuan。
  In addition,Consultant Kang Zhen, Consultant Qualification Certification Center of the State Food and Drug Administration, also pointed out,Prescription outflow can not be completed by the pilot,This approach often flows in form。It requires supporting information systems and a system service as a support,The hospital's patient information must be shared,So,The docking of chain and medical stake betting appstake betting appinformation system is the key,With supporting policies and regulations can realize the real prescription outflow。
   & ldquo; The industry has reached consensus,Only pharmacies and hospitals are first on the same information platform (including patient prescriptions、Drug、Trial Fang、Medical Insurance Payment, etc.) Share relevant information,Large range in the real sense、A large proportion of medicine is separated to achieve。& rdquo; Senior experts in the pharmaceutical industry supplement the road。
  Estimation of Airlines,After the substantive policy and measures that encouraged the hospital's prescription outflow were introduced one after another,The pharmacy industry is expected to usher in major benefits。but,The feast of this prescription outflow,Not all pharmacies can enter the table: 1) Professional stores will be the biggest beneficiary,Especially professional stores in the business district in the hospital; 2) Policy measures、Areas of real grasping work,The beneficiary period of the pharmacy will be advanced,Benefits will be greater; 3) Pharmacy with foundations and preparations will be the first to benefit。