AD new drug research current: 4 seconds increase 1 case without healing medicine
Release time: 2016-09-20 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Anonymous
  September 21 is & ldquo; World Aldzheimer's Day & RDQUO;。Alzheimer's disease,AD) Also known as dementia,1910 was only named Alzheimer's disease。According to data in 2015,The number of global dementia patients has reached 46.8 million,Among them, 50%to 75%are patients with AD。can reach 76 million from 2030,In 2050, 135 million,A new case of AD patients will be added every 4 seconds。Current,Based on the huge population base,The number of patients in my country has ranked first in the world。
  AD is a degenerative disease of the nervous system for development。Clinical memory disorders、Out of words、Unveiled、stake online sports bettingOut stake betting appof recognition、Depending on the empty sensation、Perform dysfunction,and comprehensive dementia such as personality and behavioral changes is characterized as features,The cause is unknown so far。This disease is not only tortured by patients,Also cause a heavy burden on family members and society。
  No real AD therapy medicine
  Research and Development of AD treatment drugs has never stopped,But so far there is rare harvest。Strictly speaking,There is no real (that is, to prevent the development process from the development process) AD treatment medicine,Like Donepezil,Brand Product Aricept,It is the best -selling AD drug in the world in 2011) and Memantine (Memantine,Original brand product Namenda,2015 world sales 1.316 billion US dollars,ranking 84th), etc.,It can only improve the symptoms。So,The research and development of AD drugs is urgent。In view of this,This article intends to briefly introduce the latest developments in the field of AD drug research,Hope to help domestic peers。
  A & Beta; Specific Magotoma Anti -Ruming Road
  AD's pathogenic mechanism is very complicated,So far unclear,There are many doctrines,Among them, & beta; amyloidin (amyloid & beta; -protein,A & Beta;) Theory and TAU protein doctrine dominate。
  For the development of immunomically regulating functional drugs for A & Beta;,Theoretically very promising,But most of the failure of failure so far。Drug research and development of the pathological mechanism has never stopped,But the road is rugged。
  stake sports betting Stake Sports Bettingapp2012,Lilly Lilly Company and Pfizer's respective research and development、Early trials show the anticology samples of hope & beta; protein monoclonal antibody Solanezumab and Bapineuzumab have failed in phase III clinical trials (failed to improve the cognitive function of AD patients)。2014,Roche Gantenerumab's phase III clinical trial is also difficult to escape in bad luck。Developed by Switzerland AC Immune、Crenezumab of Crenezumab, which was transferred to Genak Company, died in phase II research。
  Li Lili is displayed in the second analysis of the two test data,Compared with the placebo,34%of the cognitive ability in the moderate AD sub -group of solanezumab has decreased to delay,18%of the behavioral capacity decreased to delay。This boosted the confidence of continuing development,and realize A & Beta; play the effect of launching a disease in the early days of AD。but,Once the course starts,A series of pathological processes (such as inflammation、TAU protein excessive phosphorylation, etc.) will form a vicious cycle of itself without relying on A & Beta;。
  Based on this,Lilly Company has used Solanezumab for early AD patients。According to data released in July 2015,Solanezumab helps cells to survive through the protein that acts on the patient's brain degeneration。Moderate AD patients have improved cognitive and behavioral ability after receiving Solanezumab in the early stage。This is the first time that the data shows that anti -starch protein My stake betting appdrugs stake betting appcan delay the AD disease process。Lilly Company has reorganized the fanfare,More research on solanezumab is in progress (4 items have been completed,Another 7 items are undergoing or raising)。
  Roche also tried to make gantenerumab & ldquo; resurrection & rdquo;,Further clinical trials are actively conducting (4 studies have been completed,There are 5 other items in progress or raising)。
  BACE inhibitors are highly hoped
  It can be seen from the clinical trials listed in the Sirtra,Clinical trials require different types of people to participate,The difficulty of development of AD drugs can be seen。
  BACE (& Beta;,It can interrupt & beta; starch -like protein deposits in the patient's brain,Prevent plaque formation。If AD's starch protein hypothesis is correct,It can interrupt the degeneration of the brain neurons caused by this disease.,Theoretically help delay or stop the AD process。
  These drugs are highly hoped,It is considered to be the future of AD therapy。Compared to A & Beta; Specific monoclonal anti -resistance needs to be injected and administered,BACE inhibitor can take oral medicine,to increase the patient's clinic。
  Current,The BACE inhibitor project of several companies is progressing smoothly: Guard material、Anshin's BACE inhibitor E2609 is in the phase III clinical stage;、AZD3293 (LY3314814) in Lilly Lilly is at the stage II/III stage; MK-8931 (VERUBECESTA) in Merck is also in the stage II/III stage; Anjin、Novartis's CNP520 relative lag,At the test phase of the stage I/II。
  stake online sports bettingstake online sports bettingDiscovery for AD pathogenesis,It may bring breakthroughs for the research and development of new drugs and the treatment of this disease。Two existing drugs are found to have activity of AD,It should also attract attention,It should also attract attention。