"Lifting Pills" the chaos of the national out stock market
Release time: 2016-10-13 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Anonymous
  Another life -saving pill is out of stock!
  Recently,Known as a life -saving medicine for & ldquo; Xiaoming & rdquo;,That is the pine for bromidis,Due to the sudden large -scale out of stock,As a result, there are many posts on the Internet that appear crazy for medicine。
   & ldquo; Life Destiny & rdquo; Why is it out of stock in the country?
  Posterioprium bromidis is an essential drug for patients with severe muscle weakness。Severe muscles,Is a self -immune disease,Clinical characteristics are partial or systemic skeletal muscles are easy to fatigue,Can't open the eyelids,Can't swallow food,Slowly breathing will become difficult,If there is no drug,Waiting death。These symptoms that My stake betting appare stake online sports bettingweak for muscle,Poseprint for bromois is currently the only drug that can improve symptoms,So,It is an orphan medicine。
  Query CFDA official website,It can be found that there are three production enterprises with brcerine with bromimis。But,At present, only Shanghai China West 3D Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.。
  In early September,Due to the production enterprise Shanghai China and Western 3D Pharmaceuticals recall the medicine nationwide,Cause patients in many places into panic without medicine。According to the person in charge of the Department of Neurology, Nanjing Gulou Hospital,This medicine started from more than 3 months ago,I can’t get in stock anymore。
  Everyone understands,Like the Ming of bromoz、Fish Essence、Putting the bacterium D、methylimazole, etc.,No matter which & ldquo; life -saving pill & rdquo;,None of them are disconnected overnight。
  Generally speaking,These & ldquo; life -saving pills & rdquo; Many will not have much clinical dosage,Due to small demand,The enthusiasm of manufacturers has a greater impact。In addition,Now the price of medicines is always a flaw,This is obviously not attractive for manufacturers。Because these medicines have no profit,Even if the price is added, there is no profit,Many manufacturers want to leave these medicines and do not do it。
  Some experts said,The profit brought by the price is not attractive,or even a loss,Of course, the company is unwilling to produce。The price is too low、No profit is the main reason that causes a medicine that is difficult to find。
  stake betting appSafe stake sports betting appPills increased the price, everyone shouted!
  The & ldquo; life -saving pill & rdquo; because the price is too low、No profit out of stock,and followed by the ox market、The emergence of chaos such as folk generic drugs。
  In the post quoted above,Some people say that in order to buy a bromimosine movie,Originally 30 yuan of medicine,For life,But I had to spend two bottles for 1,000 to buy at a high price。
  Previous,There are also media reports that due to the black market medicine、Scaller sells back,10 yuan A fish essence protein was even fired to tens of thousands of yuan because of stock out of stock。
  There are too many examples of blood dumplings that are willing to be slaughtered for their lives,but,If the price of pharmaceutical companies increases the price of life -saving medicine,How do people treat it?
  After the drug price was opened in June last year,,A & ldquo; After the price of the drug is released,The news from the original 1 bottle of 6.7 yuan to 68 yuan & rdquo; was put out by the people and the majority of the media for a fierce criticism。Many patients do not understand this,Even scoff nasal。
  Actually,Even the Gaoxin after the price increase,The average daily medication cost is only 0.34 yuan to 1.36 yuan,The average cost of low -cost medicines is still far away for the average cost of low -cost medicines,More than the price of a bottle of mineral water,Now a bottle of mineral water is at least 1.5 yuan。
  Recently,There are media reports,Originally sold 7 each bottle、8 yuan of Digoxin tablets now sold more than 80 yuan or even stake online sports betting90 stake sports betting appyuan。and,Some pharmacies、The hospital is out of stock。Shanghai Xinyi Pharmaceutical Factory of Gaoxin in the production area responds to this,The price of the raw materials of Gaoxin tablets has indeed been rising,From September 2014,Gaoxin tablet raw material price has gradually risen from 75,000 yuan/kg to 400,000 yuan/kg in January 2015,Price and costs seriously inverted,So the specifications of 100 tablets/bottle have been discontinued。
  Ten times the price of the same drug,It seems incredible,but,As a life -saving medicine,68 yuan a bottle of a bottle of & ldquo; Di Gao Xin tablet & rdquo; Is it really expensive? Have you ever thought about,Why is the previous price so low? Can such low -priced manufacturers bear it?,Also leads to the national out -of -country stock,Kneeling for the heavens and grabbing the ground for a lifeline,Is this what everyone wants to see?
  Fortunately,,For the nationwide out of the country mentioned mentioned above,Fortunately, good news came。
  Recently,Shanghai China and Western 3D Pharmaceutical Industry,In the recall period & rdquo;,The company will make temporary mailing for some patients with urgent drug absences。In addition,The company will start production after eleven,Add product inspection and other links,It is expected to be listed in late October,At that time,4,000 pharmacies nationwide will restore all the supply。
  Clinical shortage drug top20
  In recent years,Whether it is the emergency life -saving pylorida D、Injecting stake betting appcorticin stake online sports betting(ACTH),It is still a long -term Youjia Le、metulimazole,Cheap medicine shortage news often inadvertently appears in our lives。
  According to lilac survey statistics,The following 20 cheap life -saving medicines are the most serious in clinical shortage。