Cheap medicines disappear dozens of types of "vests" to change new drug prices
Release time: 2016-10-19 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Anonymous
  Cheap medicine,Also known as basic drugs,refers to the ability to meet basic medical and health needs,Suitable format、Guaranteed supply、The grassroots can be equipped with、Drugs that nationals can obtain fairly,The main feature is security、Necessary、Effective、Low price。
  For the past ten years,Cheap but effective and difficult to replace cheap medicines are gradually disappearing from the market。When a medicine is difficult to find,The ox has a selling business。Recent media reports,A box of rare treatment for infant spasm injection for cortexin (ACTH) normal retail price is only 7.8 yuan,But it is difficult to find in many hospitals,and & ldquo; Black market & rdquo;,Even this & ldquo; Sky price & rdquo;,Due to the scarcity of the medicine itself,It is still not easy to buy。
  Actually,Elastic drugs appear & ldquo; medicine shortage & rdquo;。As early as 5 years ago,my country has appeared in our country & ldquo; Salvation medicine & rdquo;。In April this year,Patients with a rheumatoid heart disease in Chengdu are in the hospital waiting for surgery。The doctor told her,Due to the lack of medicine called fish essence protein,The operation cannot be performed。Can imagine,​​In this case,& ldquo; What are the anxiety of patients who are the patients who rescue the heart & rdquo;。
  Elastic drugs disappear dozens of each year
  Earlier this year,Ms. Zhang, the citizen of Jinan City, Shandong, infection due to linkage,You need to inject a regularly injection of a long -acting penicillin called & ldquo;,But many large hospitals in Jinan are out of stock。In many places across the country,This cheap medicine is also frequent。
  It is understood,Long Stake Sports Bettingstake online sports betting-acting penicillin is a powder preparation,It is also recognized as currently recognized to prevent links in the infection of Chain Bacteria、Reduce special effects such as rheumatism and recurrence and rheumatoid heart valve disease。Expert Introduction,& ldquo; Long -acting penicillin & rdquo; injection is a commonly used、Qi、The indispensable long -acting medicine clinically,my country has been used in the 1950s of our country。Due to low price,Obvious curative effect,It is favored by patients。But,Long -acting penicillin、Fish sulfate sourin injection、His Pasazo、Putting linein D and other diseases or commonly used cheap drugs in surgery are gradually disconnecting、Disappearing,As a result, the economic burden of some patients aggravates,Even facing the crisis of medication。
  In recent years,Cheap Living Pills clinical shortage is not a case。At this year's National Two Sessions,China Medical Enterprise Management Association、Yu Mingde, the chairman of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs Association, said,Cheap medicines are disappearing at a speed of dozens of each year。
  2011,A sampling survey of the clinical medication of 42 hospitals in 12 cities across the country,In the grass -roots medical institution,Basic drugs that are added in the country and localities generally have more than 500 kinds,and the hospital's cheap drug gap has reached 342 species。​​Where,The price of 12 12 drugs is less than 30 yuan,130 drugs are below 10 yuan,Short in shortage medicine below 10 yuan,Drugs below 5 yuan account for 69%,less than 42%below 3 yuan。
  Due to the bid price of cheap drugs, it is dropped and then dropped,When it is cheap to no profit or even a loss,Waiting for its destiny is to automatically discontinue production or change the face。
  Change & ldquo; vest & rdquo; change & ldquo; new medicine & rdquo; price climbing
  During the bidding of the government,Generally speaking,The principle of bidding is & ldquo; low prices & rdquo;,In the case of similar quality,Who's low,Who can you use。So here,Small enterprises to sacrifice the quality of the bidding medicine,Big companies refused to refuse the brand & ldquo;,Inferior coins are expelled from good coins,As a result, many large companies were defeated in the production of cheap medicines。
  Some people in the industry think,During the bidding process,Small corporate malicious competition,Interesting to reduce the price,Make the winning price of the bid is not My stake betting appthe stake online sports bettinglowest,Only lower,So in this situation,Some cheap medicines win the bid for very low,far below the cost price,This makes it unable to continue production。Shen Junhua (pseudonym), chief of the pharmacy department of a hospital in Wuhan in Wuhan,Due to rising costs,Pharmaceutical companies to win the production or break off supply to the hospital are more and more。
  Facing the meager profit,Even the cheap medicine that is not profitable,Manufacturers usually face two options for market instincts: either eliminate,Either & ldquo; develop & rdquo; new medicine。The same medicine,Change the name,Packaging,Change a batch number,The value can be turned over several times or even dozens of times。
  For pharmaceutical companies,Drug production license number is valuable resources。A new drug is generally approved by the country. It usually takes 3 years。Some pharmaceutical companies are driven by interests,Simply replace the new vest for cheap and old medicine,So here,Some cheap medicines take off & ldquo; cheap & rdquo;,Under the new packaging of improvement & rdquo;,A kind of & ldquo; change the so -called new medicine to replace the soup & rdquo;。and every time & ldquo; Transformer & rdquo;,All means the soaring price。Take anti -inflammatory drugs as an example,The transformation from tetracycline to amoxicillin to cephalosporin,Following it, the price is rising from a few cents to four or five yuan to more than 20 yuan。
  2014,National Drug Examination Center accepts new drug registration applications 8868,Among them, there are many false applications for old medicine replacement。early 2016,Premier Li Keqiang rigidly reprimanded at the executive meeting of the State Council & ldquo; approved & rdquo; Intersection
  Price increase is not cheap medicine & ldquo; new life & rdquo;
  April this year,The National Health and Family Planning Commission and other eight ministries and commissions jointly issued a document,Clear & ldquo; Cancel the highest retail price limit,allows cheap pharmaceutical manufacturers to independently pricing & rdquo;。Since then,The National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Catalog Catalog within the Scope of Price of the Development and Reform Commission",Cancel the maximum retail price of 530 drugs。The introduction of this series of new rules,The price of cheap drugs has been on the price of & ldquo; green light & rdquo;。So,The question is here,Price increase can make cheap drugs ushered in & ldquo; new life & rdquo;
  Relevant person in charge stake betting appof pharmaceutical My stake betting appcompanies believes,The reason why there is a shortage of cheap drugs,The main reason is because the price is too low & rdquo;,with raw materials、Artificial、Logistics and other costs rise,The cost of the production cost of some cheap medicines is approaching the price,Therefore, the company has to stop production,The solution is & ldquo; price lifting & rdquo;。But,Practice for price increase to save cheap medicines,There are also people in charge of pharmaceutical companies holding different opinions,It is believed that the price increase of cheap drugs is a protective measure,But under the current situation of high -priced drugs,Cheap medicine is still difficult to survive。And,According to the current pricing standard,Even if the price increases,For the profit of the manufacturer, it is still a cup of water,Let it return to the patient's hands that is not difficult。
  Actually as early as 2006 to 2008,Shi Luwen, director of the International Research Center of the Peking University Medical Management International Research Center, has been commissioned by the National Development and Reform Commission,A survey on the condition of the shortage of shortage: From the actual situation,,The reason why some medicines are short,Not exactly because the price is low。Some are because of unconventional、Small dosage,Some are because of the large and side effects of poison,Some are high due to production requirements。Analysis believes,For the shortage drug,If you do not add careful analysis,Don't ask the green soap white,Blind price,It is likely to protect backward medicines,Protecting backward enterprises,Not good for the pharmaceutical industry,Disadvantages to the health of the masses。
  Professor Hu Shanlian, a professor at the School of Public Health, Fudan University, also wrote an article,Guarantee the production of drugs、Supply、Use,It needs systematic policy guarantee measures,instead of being a problem of management price。One aspect,The state must carry out macro -control; on the other hand,It is also necessary to use the market to promote policy to play a role。
  The government should set up a reserve system
  Establishment of cheap drugs and national reserve libraries have become the consensus of many experts and industry insiders。Vice Dean of Fuzhou Second Hospital Lin Shaobin Suggestion,The state should establish a set of cheap special effects drugs。Enterprises that undertake cheap drug My stake betting appproduction stake betting appin national special funds、Bank loan、Taxation and other support policies are given tilt,Let these companies have enough profit space,So as to keep it in quality and complete production。
  It is also recommended to produce quality in cheap medicines at the same time、Effective supervision and control on the number link,also allows cheap medicines to produce orderly production according to market demand,Make sure the supply is constantly gear、but not quantity; and establish cheap drugs for exclusive channels,Strike medicine multi -hand transfer、Layer -based price lifting and cheap drug monopoly operations such as bad operations。
  Some experts said,The country must be like the grain,Guarantee cheap、Production of essential drugs。For some cheap special effects of some clinical essentials,It is recommended to produce by the government designated pharmaceutical factory,Tax、Fund and other aspects to give manufacturers a certain policy tilt and financial subsidy,Protect reasonable profit,Mobilize production enthusiasm,Ensure the stable supply of cheap special effects drugs。
  surey,Enterprise for the purpose of pursuing economic interests,The government has a natural responsibility that guarantees the lives and health of the people。Because of this,In many traditional cheap and good medicines due to market reasons,,The government needs to implement control through tangible hands,Guarantee market supply,Let the majority of patients buy、Use traditional low -cost good medicine。