Respiratory medication market Big start: Obvious advantages of local pharmaceutical companies
Release time: 2016-10-25 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Anonymous
  Zhongkang CMH data display,2015 The size of the respiratory medication market (according to the terminal retail price,The same below) is 124.5 billion yuan。Due to the dominant position of Chinese patent medicine in the respiratory system,,Therefore, the market is mainly occupied by domestic enterprises,But the problem of homogeneity is prominent,TOP5 concentration does not exceed 35%,Among them, the most intense competition in retail pharmacies,TOP5 concentration is only 18.1%。
  Alternate autumn and winter seasons of cold and cold,Add frequency of haze weather,It is easy to cause respiratory diseases of susceptible people。From the market in recent years,Due to population aging、Smoke、Air pollution、Factors such as new pathogen and drug -resistant pathogens,The trend that caused respiratory diseases to increase year by year。
  According to statistics My stake betting appfrom stake online sports bettingthe Ministry of Health,The incidence of respiratory diseases in our country accounts for about 6.94%of the overall incidence.,92 million people in the country suffer from various respiratory diseases every year; seasonal cough、Asthma、Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease、5 major types of diseases including epidemic cold and acute nasopharyngealitis account for more than 80%of the entire respiratory disease,Among them, the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease over 40 years old is 9.9%。
  Respiratory disease is the second largest cause of death in the world,my country's mortality rate is 68/100,000,Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease、After cancer,Is the third cause of chronic disease death in the residents of our country。
  2012 Chinese disease mortality ranking
  (Data source: "Report on Nutrition and Chronic Diseases of Chinese Residents (2015)"
  The overall performance of the market is flat
  Zhongkang CMH data display,2015 The size of the respiratory medication market (according to the terminal retail price,The same below) is 124.5 billion yuan,accounting for 9.1%of the Chinese pharmaceutical market,increased by 3.8%year -on -year,The growth rate is lower than the overall growth rate of the national pharmaceutical market 7.6%,Market performance is bland。
  The incidence of respiratory diseases increases,and the growth rate of related therapeutic drug markets is low。Reasons for the reason,Mainly many patients are not much attention to respiratory diseases,As the third major chronic disease death,The diagnosis rate of chronic respiratory disease is less than 35%,It is imminent。
  From the perspective of the market segment,Cough and cold medication is the biggest segment category,Sales of 2015 85.9 billion yuan,increased by 3.7%year -on -year,Occupy 69.0%of the share,Brand competition enters the white thermalization stage,Market concentration is low; anti -asthma drugs account for 15.5%share,The market advantage of stake online sports bettingthe My stake betting appforeign brand is obvious,TOP5 brands have 4 brands are foreign brands; throat preparations occupy 7.8%share,Among them, the status of Chinese medicine is prominent,Occupy 97.5%of the share。
  2015 Respiratory Subclass Segment market proportion
  Retail pharmacy and county -level hospital market performance is active
  Retail pharmacy and urban hierarchy are currently the largest sales channel for respiratory system drugs。Due to the bidding or abandonment of pharmaceutical companies,Make some hospital respiratory drugs to retail pharmacy channels,2015 retail pharmacy sales contribution to 39.6%,It is expected that it will be further improved in 2016。At the same time,As the state continues to vigorously promote the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment policy,Urban -level hospital respiratory system patients were diverted to grass -roots medical institutions,2015 Urban -level hospital sales contribution to 34.3%,It is expected to further decrease in 2016,Compared with,County Grade Hospital as a cold、Cough and other common diseases The most important hierarchical diagnosis and treatment main battlefield will benefit the maximum。
  The proportion of sales channel sales of respiratory system
  Domestic -funded enterprises leading markets, sinking channels for foreign enterprises
  Respiratory medication market is mainly occupied by domestic enterprises,In 2015, domestic companies accounted for 82.2%of the share,increased slightly year -on -year; compared to 77.3%stake online sports bettingstake sports betting appof the overall market market share,The dominant position of domestic enterprises in the respiratory medication market is more prominent,This is mainly due to the cold、Cough、Said markets such as throat medication and other market segments are significantly ahead; in 2015, the proportion of Chinese medicine in the respiratory system was close to 62.6%,far higher than the proportion of the overall market market。
  Urban -level hospitals are the most active sales channels for foreign -funded companies in respiratory systems,In 2015, foreign companies' sales in urban -level hospitals accounted for 26.9%,far higher than other 4 major sales terminals,But due to graded diagnosis and treatment、Bidding and price limit and other policies,The proportion of foreign -funded enterprises in urban -level hospitals has declined year -on -year,Foreign -funded enterprises have invested more resources to seize county -level hospitals and grass -roots markets,In 2015, foreign companies' sales in county -level hospitals and grass -roots markets increased year -on -year。
  5 major terminal markets in domestic and foreign enterprises sell for sales
  Domestic capital competition is fierce, foreign concentration is high
  my country's respiratory system drug terminal sales market has nearly 2,200 companies,Most of them are domestic -funded enterprises,Most of the medicines produced are generic drugs,Homogeneous competition issues outstanding,Low corporate concentration。2015 5 major sales terminal domestic companies TOP5 companies are Jiangxi Qingfeng Pharmaceutical、China Resources Three Nine、Jichuan Pharmaceutical、Jiangsu Kangyuan Pharmaceutical and Yangtzejiang Pharmaceutical,Enterprise concentration does not exceed 35%,Among them, the most intense competition in retail pharmacies,TOP5 concentration is only 18.1%。
  The concentration of manufacturers of 5 major end -of -end foreign -funded enterprises is significantly higher than domestic enterprises,2015 TOP5 Enterprise (Astrikon、Glaxo Sonsk、Bolin Yingehan、Merhado、Kyoto Nianci Pharmaceutical General Plant) The concentration of concentration exceeds 55%,Among them, the concentration of two major sales channels in urban -level hospitals and county -level hospitals reached 71.4%and 76.5%, respectively.。
  2015 5 major terminal market TOP5 concentration