How will the market for breast cancer drugs on the market will change?
Release time: 2016-11-29 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Anonymous
  Breast cancer is one of the major diseases that harm our women's health,Its mortality rate is the first place in the incidence of female malignant tumors。According to statistics monitored by CMH in Zhongkang,2015 domestic breast cancer drug overall scale 28.6 billion yuan,increased by 13.95%over 2014。2016 is expected to reach 32 billion yuan,The growth rate is expected to be 11.67%。In this dazzling arena,Who ran ahead? And after the new player enters,How will the game pattern change?
  In recent years,Breast cancer has become the highest incidence of women in the world,seriously endangered the physical and mental health of women。International Cancer Research Institution Globocan 2012 statistics data show,More than 1.67 million women in the world suffer from breast cancer every year,Among them, 52.9%occur in developing countries。Another,my country National Cancer Center 2015 statistical data show,The number of new breast cancer in the country reached 272,400,The annual mortality rate exceeds 70,000,The incidence of female malignant tumors in women is the first。
  but,The pathogenesis of breast cancer has not yet been completely clear。Traditionally,Breast cancer is divided into: HER2-positive breast cancer、Hormonal receptor -positive (HR+) breast cancer and Sanyin breast cancer (TNBC) (estrogen receptor、progesterone receptors、HER2 is not excessively expressed)。Where,Her2 -positive breast cancer is the most dangerous,accounting for about 20-30% ,For the other two types of breast stake online sports bettingcancer,Her2 -positive breast cancer deterioration faster,The degree of deterioration is more serious,and easier to relapse and transfer。
  "2015NCCN Breast Cancer Guide" and "Guidelines and Specifications of the Chinese Cancer Association Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment (2013)",Drug therapy for breast cancer is divided into targeted drug therapy、Chemotherapy and endocrine therapy。
  Current,Most of the breast cancer drugs on the market belong to positive breast cancer treatment drugs。According to IMS data,Global breast cancer treatment drug market size was as high as $ 11.27 billion in 2014,Three Pharmaceutical Giants (Roche、Novartis and Astrise) occupied the domineering position of the breast cancer drug market。
  International medication market structure
  In the market for breast cancer drugs,Trastuzumab (Trastuzumab) developed by Roche top the top of the list,Lead the entire market。According to the Roche annual report display,Its total global sales in 2014 reached 4.5 billion US dollars。2014,Global breast cancer TOP5 products are Tangzhu Mipide、Iveimo、Paobuzhu monoclonal、Fluvis Group、Bevarzab。(according to the data ranking of various company reports)。
  Trangzhuab、Iveimo、Paquozumab continues to win the first three,In the top ten products,Roche occupied four seats,Domaining global breast cancer drug market。
  After looking at the global breast cancer drug market square,Come again to see the domestic market structure。Zhongkang CMH scans the market for breast cancer in the country,The market performance aimed at tracking breast cancer drugs,and which products are the most popular in the domestic market。
  Domestic medication market structure
  According to statistics monitored by CMH in Zhongkang,2015 domestic breast cancer drug overall scale 28.6 billion yuan,increased by 13.95%over 2014。2016 is expected to reach 32 billion yuan,The growth rate is expected to be 11.67%。
  The size of the domestic market is not very large, the reasons may be:
  1、Domestic women lack the understanding of early detection of diseases,and domestic health services are not complete,Most women with breast cancer are diagnosed in the late disease;
  2、High cost of breast cancer for breast cancer,Most patients in China are difficult to bear,can only give up treatment;
  3. Some new drugs developed abroad have not yet been listed in China.
  Domestic TOP10 Product
  According to Zhongkang CMH monitoring data,,The size of the top ten of breast cancer in 2015 is 22.594 billion yuan,increased by 14.53%from the market size in 2014,and the top ten universal name accounts for 78.94%of the market share,Market stake sports betting appconcentration is high; among which Doroxi is ranked first with 19.80%of the market share。and in 2014, the 39.93%market share of Toupudu Mipida is not good in the domestic market,Only 5.71%of the market share。According to the trend of market share of various universal products,It is expected that half of the TOP10 products in breast cancer in 2016 are growing.,Among them, the growing momentum may be the lipids of paclitaxel,It is expected that the Doxi Race will continue to maintain the first ranking。
  Domestic TOP10 Brand
  According to Zhongkang CMH monitoring data,,The size of the top ten brands of breast cancer in 2015 was 14.881 billion yuan,increased by 12.67%,TOP10 brand market share accounted for 50%; of which Roche Pharmaceutical's Capestabine tablets ranked first with 8.61%market share。Judging from the trend of changes in the market share of each brand,It is expected that the growth trend of the TOP10 brand of breast cancer in 2016 is not obvious,Half of the brand has a downward trend。
  Domestic TOP10 Enterprise
  According to Zhongkang CMH monitoring data,,The size of the top ten companies in breast cancer in 2015 is 20.19 billion yuan,70 % of the market share,High market concentration。Foreign -funded companies have four companies in the top ten of the domestic market,Domestic enterprises have slight advantages,Explain that domestic enterprises show strong competitiveness in the breast cancer market; Roche Pharmaceutical is the top of the domestic breast cancer drug market with a market share of 15.66%; Hengrui is the leader of innovative drugs in China,It ranks second with 10.49%share。From the trend of market share of various enterprises,It is estimated that half of the company in the 2016 TOP10 companies in the TOP10 enterprise shows a decline in different degrees,and Roche has a slight growth,It will continue to maintain its dominant position。
  Breast cancer drug market growth slowly,Breast cancer drug brand growth is not obvious,This may slow down from domestic economic growth,and various medical reforms、Drug Reform Policy (Bidding reduction、Drug ratio limit、Secondary price、Two -vote system or even one vote、Can you enter the continuous release of the medical insurance catalog, etc.),The competition of various enterprises in the breast cancer drug market is becoming increasingly fierce。
  How will the market structure change?
  Palbociclib developed by Pfizer was approved for listing in February 2015,is the first CDK4/6 inhibitor listed in the world,For the first-line stake betting apptherapy for female patients with HR+/HER2-advanced or metastatic breast cancer,Pfizer 2015 & mdash; 2016's quarterly report display,PalboCiclib Global sales in the first year of listing are as high as US $ 723 million,2016 first、The sales in the second quarter reached 943 million US dollars。At the same time,February 2016,FDA further approves Pabotinib for HR+/HER2-advanced or metastatic breast cancer after receiving endocrine therapy after receiving endocrine treatment。But the medicine has not yet been listed in China,If it is listed in China,On the one hand, it can expand market capacity,On the other hand, it also competes for traditional domestic breast cancer drugs。As of November 3 this year,Manufacturer who declared PalboCiclib at the Drug Review Center,You Pfizer and 15 Chinese pharmaceutical companies。Pfizer's declaration was approved clinically in July 2014,8 domestic companies get clinical approval。
  Another,Recently,New Oral Oral Anti -Cancer Drug CDK4/6 inhibitors LEE011 (RIBOCICIB) developed by Nuohua Pharmaceuticals CDK4/6 inhibitors has made significant progress in FDA and EU supervision,It is a major good news in the breast cancer pharmaceutical industry。American side,The US FDA has officially accepted the new drug application (NDA) of Lee011 and awarded priority review。European side,European Drug Administration (EMA) officially accepted the LEE011 listing license application (MAA)。Novartis's NDA and MAA,The purpose is to seek the approval of Lee011 combined with tartozole for hormone receptor-positive (HR+)/ HER2-advanced or metastatic breast cancer。If the medicine is approved,It will be Pfizer's strong competitors in this field。At that time,How will the market change,worth looking forward to。
  In addition,Single chemotherapy new anti -cancer drug Halaven (Eribulin Mesylate,Aribaline of methulsion acid) Recently was approved by the National Institute of Health and Clinical Optimization (NICE) in the UK,It is used for local advanced or metastatic breast cancer patients that have been accepted by 2 chemotherapy schemes but progressive progress.。Current,This medicine has been approved by about 60 countries around the world。Wei Qi also submitted a new drug application (NDA) for local advanced or metastatic breast cancer (NDA) to CFDA in August 2016。
  With the listing of new breast cancer drugs,The international market size My stake betting appwill be further expanded,At the same time, it will also have a certain impact on the old medicine market。
  Another,It can be known from the detection data of Zhongkang,At present, domestic breast cancer drug capacity is not large,The market needs further development,It also shows that the domestic market potential is strong,Breast cancer drug market to be seized。
  With breast cancer imported drugs, new drug applications are continuously made in China,This will continue to squeeze the domestic breast cancer drug market。Can domestic companies seize the huge domestic breast cancer market in China?
  Current,Domestic research breast cancer drugs have entered clinical research. There are a total of 6,One of them is in the third phase of the clinic,One is in the second phase of the clinic,Four in clinical phase 1,and domestic innovative drug leader Hengrui occupies two seats,The SHR-6390 (phase I) and Malo Peninib (II)。These new domestic drugs developed in China,Once it is listed as early as the new foreign medicine, it will seize the domestic breast cancer market。