Shaanxi stake sports betting appstake betting appInstitute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Shaanxi Medical Information Center) 2024 open recruitment staff written examination arrangement announcement
Release time: 2024-08-14     Source: Party Committee Organization Department (Human Resources Department)

According to《 released on July 15th2024 Shaanxi stake sports betting appstake betting appInstitute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Shaanxi Medical Information Center) Open Recruitment Announcement》Arrangement,Shaanxi stake sports betting appstake betting appInstitute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Shaanxi Medical Information Center)The written examination for open recruitment of staff in 2024 is scheduled to be held on August 17, 2024 (Saturday),The relevant matters are now announced as follows:

1. Personnel participating in the written examination

Register via email and receiveCandidates who were notified of “passed the review” will participate in this written examination,Please see the attachment for the specific list。

2. Written test time

Time:August 17, 2024 9:30-10:30 am

3. Written test location

Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Holding Group Co., Ltd.Conference Room on the 3rd Floor

Address: Keji 2nd Road, High-tech Zone, Xi'anNo. 69

Bus line: availableRoad 218、Road 251、Route 137、Road 280、Route 137、Road 198。

IV. Instructions for Candidates for the Written Examination

1.Candidates must take the written test on time in strict accordance with Stake Sports Bettingthe schedule in the attached My stake betting applist,Otherwise it will be deemed to be automatically given up。

2.Candidates are asked to bring their original ID cards (only valid resident ID cards or valid temporary resident ID cards),If your ID card is temporarily lost, you must present your household registration certificate issued by the public security department,Personnel holding other certificates are not allowed to take the written examination。

3.Candidates will be seated and enter the examination room 15 minutes before the start of the examination,30 minutes after the exam starts,No admission,You can hand in your papers and leave the examination room after the exam is over。

4.Candidates must follow examination room discipline,Keep the exam room quiet,Consciously obey the staff’s arrangements,Accept supervision and inspection by staff,Please turn off the communication tools you carry with you after entering the examination room,And hand it over to the staff for safekeeping,My stake betting appThose who engage in cheating stake betting appwill be severely dealt with in accordance with the "Regulations on Handling Violations of Discipline and Violations in Public Recruitment by Public Institutions" and other relevant regulations。

5. Other matters

After the end of this written test, you will be inShaanxi stake sports betting appstake betting appInstitute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Shaanxi Medical Information Center) (http://www.sxzys.com/)、陕西医药控股集团有限公司官网(/),发布相关信息,Candidates please pay attention in time.

Attachment: List of candidates for the written examination



Shaanxi stake sports betting appstake betting appInstitute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Shaanxi Medical Information Center)

August 20249

stake online sports bettingAttachment: List of written test candidates.docx