Purchase of volume: Pathfinder of the change of the pharmaceutical industry
Release time: 2018-12-11 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Anonymous

        Recently,Pilot joint procurement conference led by the National Medical Security Bureau was held,Determined joint procurement requirements and operation methods,At the same time, the first batch of belt procure lists。As an extension of the development of the procurement model of Shanghai,Select 4 municipalities this time (Beijing、Shanghai、Tianjin、Chongqing) and 7 key cities (Shenyang、Dalian、Guangzhou、Shenzhen、Xiamen、Chengdu、Xi'an) A total of 11 cities as pilot areas,Select pilot varieties from the corresponding varieties of generic drugs passed through consistency evaluation for pre -promotion。

        According to the scheme,60%-70%of the pilot cities will be taken out of the market share to win the bidding pharmaceutical company,30%-40%share of the remaining dosage,All medical institutions can still purchase other winning bids for centralized procurement of provincial drugs、​​Hanging network variety。In other words,Other pharmaceutical companies can only share the remaining 30%-40%share。

        Drugs only bid for bidding price,No quantity,Then the bidding pharmaceutical company needs to organize a huge sales team to enter the hospital for work to promote drug use and sales。Now the State Medical Insurance Administration has begun to promote 11 cities to bring volume to purchase,Sales of drugs stake sports betting appStake Sports Bettingwhen bidding,It is guaranteed to be used up within 8 to 15 months。

        This method of purchasing with volume,If a medicine,Only one or two pharmaceutical companies provide,belongs to exclusive or category exclusive,It is necessary to negotiate alone; if a medicine,Many pharmaceutical companies can provide,So you have to bid,and the lowest price winning the bid。Obviously,The purpose of the purchase of volume is to reduce the price of drug prices and intermediate links,to reduce medical insurance expenditure。

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        With the gradual advent of the age of my country's population,The pharmaceutical industry is an industry that maintains people's lives and health,The prospect is bright,At the same time,The pressure on the expenses of medical insurance expenses in my country will gradually increase。In the world,The medical insurance policy worthy of our reference can be divided into two modes: American model and Japanese mode。

        The American model is mainly based on innovative drugs and biopharmaceuticals,The medical security system is relatively developed,But,It fully adopts a privatization method,As a result, the poor can not afford high -level medical care costs; the other is the Japanese mode mainly based on generic drugs,It implements medicine separation,The doctor at the hospital is responsible for prescribing prescription,Go to the pharmacy to buy medicine,So high medical expenses,and low medical expenses。Because the medicine is a certain price by the government,The same medicine,No matter which pharmacy goes to buy,The price is the same。In this mode,Japanese medical institutions on behalf of the country and pharmaceutical companies conduct centralized procurement negotiations,This way,The overall price of the drug is limited,and decline year by year,Finally realized to benefit the people。

        Current,Most countries in the world adopt a direct or indirect government pricing method for drug prices,Control the virtual high price of drugs from the source,Reduce the unreasonable profit of drug production and circulation,Reduce the national medical insurance expenses and the burden of the diseased people。Previous,We are medical insurance procurement stake online sports bettingstake sports betting apponly set a bidding purchase price,There is no clear quantity standard,Now the quantity is also clear,Change the price,Come and lower the price of drugs,Pharmaceutical companies make benefits,Let the masses gain profit。

       Features of Band Procurement

       1. Change the price with quantity

       First,Determine the amount of purchasing can refer to the past medical insurance reimbursement data,Or let the hospital report to the data by themselves and then summarize,If the batch of batch of band purchases is consumed,You can make the next batch of purchases,In principle, it is more appropriate to control within 8 to 15 months。Second,To achieve the real hook of price and procurement amount,The number of bids for each specification of each specification in the scope of the procurement range will be announced in detail,Drugs only need to pass the consistency evaluation,No longer distinguish the quality level,Each variety is low in price。Another,It is also necessary to consider the production capacity of pharmaceutical companies、Supply stability and the guarantee capacity of the production capacity of pilot areas。The final result is,Pharmaceutical companies make concessions in terms of drug prices,In exchange for sales increase。


       The price of winning bids generated by provincial tenders before,Often will not become the final procurement price of medical institutions,The secondary bargaining method of medical institutions require pharmaceutical companies to reduce prices again,As a result, the actual procurement execution price is often lower than the winning bid price,Bidding links and procurement links are obviously decoupled。

       and the new mode of volume purchases,Pharmaceutical bidding purchaser、Delivery and production and seller signed a three -party purchase contract,Delivery enterprises and manufacturers realize binding,Linking the bidding and procurement link,The combination of the two processes of these tricks is one。

       3, medical insurance prepaid

      In the procurement mode with the volume,Will agreed to a certain percentage of prepaid ratio,Pharmaceutical bidding Purchaser pays directly to the medication company,Relieve the capital pressure of the payment of its payment,Improve My stake betting appstake sports betting appthe cash flow quality of its operation。Bringing volume is obviously different from the recruitment method of previous medicines,Its unique recruitment model is bound to have a profound impact on pharmaceutical companies。

      The impact of the purchase of volume on pharmaceutical companies

      On the whole,The impact of the purchase of volume on pharmaceutical companies can be distinguished according to the consistency evaluation standard,Simple can be attributed to the following four situations: exclusive variety、Two varieties,Many varieties and varieties that are not within this range。

      1. Exclusive variety

      Only one pharmaceutical company has passed the consistency evaluation variety,This drug has negotiating advantages,Drug prices have declined limited,Price reduction at a low range in exchange for a high -range market share,also saves a lot of sales expenses,In this case,Purchasing volume will undoubtedly increase the operating performance of this part of pharmaceutical companies。

      2. Two varieties

      Only two pharmaceutical companies have passed the variety of consistency evaluations,Two pharmaceutical companies want to compete,The decline in the price of drugs depends on which pharmaceutical company can withstand a lower bid price,Low -priced market。In this case,Pharmaceutical companies fight for each other's strengths,First to ensure that the enterprise is beneficial to the map,No loss will occur,After that, there is a problem of high and low choice between the profitable profit of the price and the savings of sales costs。

      3. Multiple varieties

      There are three or more pharmaceutical companies that have passed consistency evaluation,That is pure price fight,Who bids lower,Who wins。However, this situation will inevitably cause low -priced bids between pharmaceutical companies,Even if the bid is won,Contributions to your own performance are also very limited。

      4. No variety in this range

      At present,Varietys other than the purchase of volume,such as biopharmaceuticals、Original medicine in the patent protection period,It will not be affected for the time being。

      No doubt,Bringing volume procurement model is not strong for research and development、For pharmaceutical My stake betting appMy stake betting appcompanies without exclusive varieties,It means that the cold winter is coming。These pharmaceutical companies used to face problems that earned more and earned less,Maybe you may face the survival problem that earns money or not to make money。It is foreseeable is,The number of pharmaceutical companies that pass the consistency evaluation continues to increase,Competition between pharmaceutical companies will become more and more intense,Even white heat。The great competition of the survival of the fittest will become the normal state of the pharmaceutical industry,Pharmaceutical companies with weak research and development capabilities will be difficult,Facing life and death choices,Pharmaceutical companies with strong R & D capabilities will be strong。


      In short,The reform of the pharmaceutical system is destined to be a long -term and far away,The new model of the purchase of volume can continue to reduce the price of drugs,Reduce the burden of medical insurance,Let the masses ultimately benefit,Trends in line with the times,Meeting people's demands。