Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group Pai Ang Pharmaceuticals held the first employee table tennis competition
Release time: 2023-08-15 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Paang Medicine

To further enrich employeesCultural life, recently, Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group sent Ang Pharmaceutical Union to hostThe first employee table tennis competition,Employees from various departments of the company participateCompetition.

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This competition contains men's and women's singles、Mixed doubles three items。Contestants at the competition scene, you push me to block,Direct shoot、Side、Backball、Rotating ball、arc ball, etc."Hyun Tech" operation is dizzying,Stake Sports BettingServe、stake sports betting appattack、Defense、Deduction is intense and fierce,Table tennis back and forth,Constantly changing tactical play,Let the audience's seat erupt from time to time.。

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Enjoy fun,Enhanced constitution,Significant personality,Exercise will。This competition not only greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of employees to participate in physical exercise,Created healthy upward at the same time、Unity and collaboration、The strong atmosphere of hard work,The event is well received by employees。