stake online sports bettingLooking for ancestors,Promoting the revolutionary traditional Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Investment Management went to Fuping County Patriotism Education Base to visit and study
Release time: 2023-10-17 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Investment Management

Recently,To pursue the historical footprint of the revolutionary ancestors,Revisiting the history of the hardships and outstanding revolutionary struggle,Narc: The noble character of the revolutionary martyrs,Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Investment Management Party Branch went to Fuping County Patriotic Education Base to carry out"Remember Glory History,Red -themed education and research activities with new skills "to build new skills。

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Visiting Learning,Everyone fully stake betting appunderstands the life of Comrade Xi Zhongxun,Deeply realized that the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries always put the party's interests in the first loyal political belief and revolutionary ethics。Everyone said,Study Comrade Xi Zhongxun carefully"Fighting Life,Happy life; struggle every day,Happy every day "The firm revolutionary spirit and the spirit of hard work,Cherish the happy life that is hard to come today,Inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and excellent style of the older generation of revolutionaries,In future work,Give full play to the leader and role model of party members,firm belief,Monomic Dedication,Based on the post,Work stake betting apphard,Make new and greater contributions to the development of the enterprise。