Understand the strategic priorities of the new round of reform from the communiqué of the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee
Release time: 2024-07-25     Source: Xinhua News Agency

July 15-18,The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which attracted worldwide attention, was held in Beijing。The plenary session reviewed and approved the "Regulations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms"、The decision to promote Chinese-style modernization》。

 From the communiqué of the plenary session authorized by Xinhua News Agency on the 18th,We can read out the strategic priorities for further comprehensively deepening the reform。

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  Plan and promote reforms closely around the Party’s central tasks,It is an important experience for the continuous success of our party’s leadership reform。Promote Chinese-style modernization,It is the banner that unites the wisdom and strength of the whole party and the people on the new journey,It must also be the theme of further comprehensively deepening the reform。

 “Chinese-style modernization is continuously promoted in the reform and opening up,It will also open up broad prospects in the reform and opening up。"This sentence in the plenary meeting communiqué,Profoundly illuminates the intrinsic connection between promoting Chinese-style modernization and reform and opening up。

  pointed out at the plenary session,The overall goal of further comprehensively deepening reforms is to "continue to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics,Promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities”。At the same time,Anchoring the reform goals to be achieved by 2035,Key deployment in the next five years,Clearly stake online sports betting“by the 80th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 2029,Complete the reform tasks set forth in this decision"。

  The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has a milestone significance of continuing the past and opening up the future - it is the practical sequel to the comprehensive deepening of reforms since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,It is also a new chapter in the era of a new journey to promote Chinese-style modernization。

 “Focus on building a high-level socialist market economic system,Focus on the development of people's democracy throughout the process,Focus on building a powerful socialist cultural country,Focus on improving people’s quality of life,Focus on building a beautiful China,Focus on building a higher level of safe China,Focus on improving the party’s leadership level and long-term governance capabilities” - the plenary session clearly proposed the “Seven Focuses”,Is the driving force for promoting Chinese-style modernization,It is also the focus of further comprehensively deepening the reform。

  “The high-level socialist market economic system is an important guarantee for Chinese-style modernization” “Integrated development of urban and rural areas is an inevitable requirement for Chinese-style modernization” “Developing people’s democracy throughout the process is the essential requirement for Chinese-style modernization” “Chinese-style modernization is Modernization that harmonizes material civilization and spiritual civilization"...a series of clear requirements,Reflects the clear direction of planning and deploying a new round of reform based on Chinese modernization。

  (2) Summarizing valuable experience,Use "six insistences" to indicate the principles that must be implemented to further comprehensively deepen reforms

  The plenary session spoke highly of stake betting appthe successful practices and great achievements of comprehensively deepening reforms since the new era,At the same time, the "Six Persistences" are used to profoundly summarize the valuable experience of comprehensively deepening reform since the reform and opening up, especially in the new era——

 “Adhere to the Party’s overall leadership、Adhere to the people-centered approach、Adhere to integrity and innovation、Adhere to the main line of system construction、Adhere to comprehensive rule of law、Adhere to the system concept”。

2013,The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee made a scientific summary of the successful practice of reform and opening up,Respectively from the leadership of the party、Ideological line、Practice subject、Scientific methods and other aspects summarize the important experience of "Four Persistences"。

 since the new era,The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has great political courage and wisdom,Advance the theory and practice of socialist reform with Chinese characteristics to a new breadth and depth。Today,Ideological basis of reform、Practical Basics、Institutional basis、The foundation of public support is more solid。

  Continuously promote theoretical innovation in reform practice,Guide new reform practices with theoretical innovation。

  The major principles of “Six Persistences”,Fully embodies the worldview of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era、Methodology and the standpoints and viewpoints that run through it,Further deepened our party’s understanding of the laws of reform,It is an important guideline for further comprehensively deepening reforms on the new journey。

(3) Responding to social expectations,Holding the “nose” of economic system reform

 Faced Stake Sports Bettingwith the complicated international and domestic situations,Facing a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation,Facing the new expectations of the people,We must further comprehensively deepen reforms as a way to stabilize the overall situation、Response Bureau、An important starting point for opening a new game。

  The fourth meeting of the Central Committee for Deepening Reform held in February this year emphasized that,“We must scientifically plan major measures to further comprehensively deepen reforms,Focus on the institutional obstacles that hinder the smooth advancement of Chinese-style modernization" "Reform measures must have clear direction,Going to solve the most prominent problems,The flavor of reform must be strong、The quality must be sufficient”。

  This plenary session adheres to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation,Make systematic arrangements to further comprehensively deepen reforms。Can be seen from the plenary meeting communiqué,The content of economic system reform is the top priority,Pay great attention to the leading role of economic system reform。

 One goal is particularly eye-catching: "By 2035,Comprehensively build a high-level socialist market economic system”。This is the first of the "Seven Focuses",And the timetable and roadmap are very clear。

 “Building a high-level socialist market economic system,Improve the system and mechanism to promote high-quality economic development,Building a system and mechanism to support comprehensive innovation,Improving the macroeconomic governance system,Improving the system and mechanism for integrated urban and rural development,Improving high-level opening-up systems and mechanisms...”

  The plenary session leads the reform with new development concepts,My stake betting appFocus on breakthroughs and key points to promote high-quality development,Injecting reform impetus into continuously creating new prospects for high-quality development。

 Education、Technology、Talent is the foundation of Chinese modernization、Strategic support。The Plenum will put innovation in a prominent position,Clearly proposed to “coordinate and promote the integrated reform of educational science and technology talent system and mechanism”,This is the education of the 20th Party Congress、Technology、After the talents are deployed in special chapters,Another major strategic deployment。

 meanwhile,Committed to achieving high-quality development and high-level safe and positive interaction,The plenary session also emphasized the need to fully implement the overall national security concept,Improve the system and mechanism for safeguarding national security。

 While focusing on promoting the reform of the economic system,Coordinate and plan reforms in other fields,Fully demonstrates the need to further comprehensively deepen reforms and "pay more attention to system integration,Pay more attention to highlighting the key points,The distinctive feature of paying more attention to the effectiveness of reform。

 Planner: Zhang Xiaosong

 Main writers: Zhu Jichai, Huang Yue


   jointly produced by Xinhua News Agency and Xinhuanet

Produced by the First Studio of Xinhua News Agency