The selection of medical insurance and drugs began,The adjustment direction of the new version of the medical insurance directory has been clear
Release time: 2016-09-02 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Anonymous
  Recent,Various meetings related to the medical insurance directory are held intensively,Among them, there are professional expert group meetings,There are also discussion meetings participated by industry associations,Before I held a meeting of the Medical Insurance Research Association in Yinchuan。
  At the end of July, the selection of the 2015 version of the medical insurance drug catalog has been started。According to requirements,Issuing the medical insurance directory at the end of the year,Although it is more tense from time to time,But the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs is already targeted。Li Zhong also introduced it before,The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has developed a special document,Conditions for medical insurance drugs、review procedures、The adjustment mechanism, etc.。
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  The screening of the 2015 version of the medical insurance directory is an expert,But the difference from the past is,This selection expert is divided into & ldquo; comprehensive expert group & rdquo; and & ldquo; professional expert group & rdquo;。
  For the division of labor,The comprehensive expert group is mainly responsible for a large -scale screening,Determine which varieties in the 2009 version of the medical stake online sports bettinginsurance directory should eliminate the medical insurance directory,Delivery; which varieties should enter the medical insurance directory,Depending on。Overall,The function of the comprehensive expert group is to determine the scope and direction of the medical insurance directory,But do not master whether the product enters the directory of life and death。
  Who goes in?
  On the scope of the screening of the 2015 version of the medical insurance directory,In addition to what is often said & ldquo; security、Effective、Economic & rdquo; Waiger,This screening will also consider whether the following three conditions are available:
  First,has entered the provincial medical insurance directory with more than 15 provinces,Automatically enter the selection directory;
  Second,has been charged into various types of evidence -based medical guidelines、The products of the clinical treatment guide are included in the selection catalog;
  Third,Is the cost -effective advantage (including multi -competitive varieties、Domestic -produced independent intellectual property rights、For a long clinical recognition)。
  OTC products should be included in the medical insurance directory,It has always been controversial。
  2015 version of the medical insurance directory also encountered this problem,Some experts suggest that Stake Sports Bettingthis version of the medical stake online sports bettinginsurance directory should be the same as some European countries,OTC products should be taken from the medical insurance directory。But some experts think,Many OTC products are dual -cross varieties,Should not be eliminated for medical insurance directory。So,The message obtained from the current E -drug manager is,2015 version of the medical insurance directory will not remove OTC products,But it will not add new OTC products to the medical insurance catalog。
  & ldquo; Auxiliary medication & rdquo;。
  In the past two years, many places have begun to introduce restrictions & ldquo; auxiliary medication & rdquo; directory,But because of the auxiliary medication & rdquo;,So the medical insurance directory revised,The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will not involve & ldquo; Auxiliary medication & rdquo; this concept,But it will be in the name of & ldquo; inaccurate effects & rdquo;,Remove a batch of & ldquo; Auxiliary medication & rdquo;。In operation,The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs will make specific screening through the professional expert group。From the perspective of an enterprise,Is it & ldquo; Auxiliary medication & rdquo;,Data with evidence -based medicine must be provided to confirm its effectiveness。
  Add,The requirements of the 2015 version of the medical insurance directory are the selection of a batch of domestic、Have independent intellectual property rights、Long clinical use time、Products widely recognized by clinical recognition,will be the key optional object for this consideration to enter the medical insurance directory。
  Enter the medical insurance directory for innovative drugs,The industry has already reached consensus。
  Whether at the national level & ldquo; 13th Five -Year Plan,It is also the Stake Sports Betting"Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Industrial Development Stake Sports Bettingof the Medical Factory" issued by the State Council,Or is the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of the Medical Industry Healthy Development of the Medical Industry" issued by the Development and Reform Commission,All are clearly raised,According to the ability of the medical insurance fund,Timely meet the conditions、Reasonable price、Drugs with independent intellectual property rights are included in the scope of medical insurance payment in accordance with regulations。
  The 2015 version of the medical insurance directory revision,Innovative drugs become the biggest winner。but but,As for how high is the reimbursement ratio after innovative drugs enter the medical insurance directory,I haven't considered it yet。But definitely yes,Next, innovative drugs will not be limited to local medical insurance directory,It must be replenished in various provinces to achieve market volume。
  After the results of the drug price negotiations in May,The connection with the medical insurance department has become the most concerned problem。
  As of now, it has not landed nationwide,Just some provinces and cities are executed。But the adjustment of the new version of the medical insurance directory will cooperate with the national drug price negotiation promotion,It may be given priority to the medical insurance directory。
  From the revision of the entire new version of the medical insurance directory,China's pharmaceutical market structure will change huge changes,& ldquo; Auxiliary medication & rdquo; Out of the situation,Innovative drugs enter,From the perspective of the country's guidance,The pharmaceutical industry will return to the essence of industrial development,R & D will become the first competitiveness。Drugs that enter the new version of the medical insurance drug catalog,It will be realized in the market after one year Stake Sports Bettingin the directory release,stake betting appAt that time, the market structure will inevitably change。